Monday, July 20, 2020

“In order to write about life first you must live it.”– Ernest Hemingway

Good morning folks and welcome back. Today. It is Monday, July 20, 2020. Last Friday morning I was watching the live practice of the Formula One racing from Hungary. It was raining on the track and they were still running 190 MPH in some parts of the track. There was a lot of fishtailing going on due to the conditions. One commentator said it was greasy wet. The other fellow jumped in. "You are wearing your Brylcreem but it gets onto the wet track. That's how slick it is." I will admit that's the first time I heard that one as an explanation for track conditions. I could identify with that mental image because when I was a teen I used Brylcreem and as the ad implies, a little goes a long way. The cars were slipping and sliding. A more crass way of saying it would have been, the track is slicker than snot on a glass doorknob. Others come to mind, 'slicker than ice'; 'slicker than an oil spill'; 'slicker than a bunch of loudmouth politicians'; 'slicker than grease on a bald head'; and one about it being 'slicker than the stuff Trump puts on his hair'. Based on my brief search, as coarse as it is, dozens of variations on the 'snot' theme dominated the results. At any rate, the Brylcreem image not only made sense to me but it also reminded me of those days when I did my best to imitate the James Dean look. 

Sometimes politicians can really set themselves up. They all do it, but, it's interesting how Speaker Pelosi really opened up the floodgates the other day. When asked what the House priorities will be going forward, she said they had only three: "Children! Children! Children! As we all know she is one of the fiercest abortions on demand supporters in Congress. Even though she claims to be a devout Catholic. At any rate, her emphasis on children has once again pointed out where those lines are drawn. She obviously has no love for the unborn children since more than 470,000 have already been aborted this year. Her position proves the only children she supports are those who make it into the world alive. Or, the wanted children. The others can be disposed of in the trash bin. I obviously disagree with her stand, but, her complete tunnel vision did open the door for a lot of blowbacks. I remember way back when she was first challenged on her viewpoint since her Church at that time was excommunicating people who embraced abortion. She said she had talked to her Bishop and they had decided to disagree agreeably about the matter. Agreeably disagree? I did not know what to think about that then. And, I still don't. For her and especially for her Bishop.

I am running this morning mostly on fumes. I had some type of sudden onset unwell feeling last evening. I was running a temp but never got all the way to 102. Whatever it is, let's hope 'was' is the operative term, and praise the Lord I am some better this morning. This may be the first time Mr. Bentley has dealt with me not being as able to respond to him as I normally do. He acted very concernedly and confused. Today I feel like I have been beaten with a tire iron. But, no temp. When you have a fever, well, THESE DAYS, it does create the thought of the Covid-19 boogeyman lurking in the shadows. Especially, in those who are standing by to help. Therefore, take my condition into consideration as you peruse my prose from today's edition. I close by reiterating how thankful I am to have slept reasonably well, and I no longer have an elevated temp. For the record, I was committed to going to have myself checked if that was needed. May God bless each one. Amen. .....More later.

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