Tuesday, July 14, 2020

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” — Audrey Hepburn

Another song line came to me, "I'm only human." That's how you write a blog about the H-O-T hot weather and put January instead of July on it. In my defense, I did get the 'j' and the 'y'. I started to say I was getting ready for the dyslexia competitions coming up but that would not have been accurate or funny. I have changed the electronic document of record to avoid any confusion in the future. Having said all of that, I do bid you welcome to another edition of life as I know it here on this Tuesday, July 14, 2020. Finding the right balance in these uncertain days is not that easy. We do not want to be those who live in fear because in God we trust. At the same time, we want to act in a way that is prudent and one that takes into consideration the facts as best we can know them. There is no shortage of opinions about every angle of every iota of information pertaining to the coronavirus. Because of social media, nearly every day we hear about another new exposure or confirmation within our sphere of family and folks we know. Our granddaughter was exposed where she works but she has tested negative, same for our daughter-in-law. One close family member had a family member of a co-worker who was confirmed. That brings into focus what they call contact tracing, trying to find those who may have had contact with those exposed. I heard a new one the other day: Those potentially exposed to someone who was potentially exposed. Meanwhile, for the wife and I, fully vested as septuagenarians, we continue our journey and doing life, one day at a time, with God's help, and doing it the best we can. Amen

I have my annual physical coming up on Thursday. I am running a little behind but I held off on the teleconference approach until I could see my doctor mask to mask. I am not looking forward to this visit. Last year I agreed to lose some weight and I did, around 20 pounds. When I arrive at the medical center I will have reclaimed those 20 pounds and added another 10. I could be facetious and say since the last visit I have only added a net of 10, however, I know 30 is the right answer. We all know the virus and all of its permutations has become the readiest excuse. I've been searching around for something different since I know he hears that one every day. ~ At my age, I really didn't want to invest in a new wardrobe. ~ If a worldwide famine hits I am prepped to hang on for a good long while. ~ I think someone has hacked into our bathroom scale and it really is no longer trustworthy. ~ Maybe some new descriptive terms would help: plump, stout, solid, portly, paunchy,  meaty, and fleshy. ~ Losing weight might cause me to become light-headed and dizzy. ~ I would have lost weight but I really do hate losing, period. ~ It may not be weight gain at all, it could be food retention. ~ My final answer may be this nugget: I am Santa Claus and I do have an image to live up to. I'll let you know how it goes. 

Maybe the CPAP machine has interfered with my metabolism. Oh well, the labs typically end up being my window on my world. One thing is certain, we can't always control the things that happen along life's way, but, with God's help, we can do something about how we respond. As I write this, it is closing in on 5 a.m. and I have now used up some 26986 days, or 647664 hours, or 38859840 minutes! That my friend is a good long run, but, I will be the first in line to say I have not always made the most of the time God has given to me. Essentially, if life before God can be boiled down to the best life possible, it would reflect the words of our Savior, as recorded in Matthew 22, 37) Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38) This is the first and great commandment. 39) And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40) On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” Oh my, I still have much work to do in being who God would have me to be. Amen. What say you? Until next time may He provide for each one. Amen. .....More later. 

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