Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Theodore Roosevelt ~ "No man is above the law and no man is below it: nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it." ~

Good morning folks. It's Wednesday, May 8, 2019, and we continue to try and figure out what we can do to improve Mr. Bentley's behavior. He has entered a wild and crazy phase where he can't resist any kind of mischief imaginable. Some have recommended obedience school, but, I'm not so inclined. I think he will learn. In time. Hopefully, before The Wife loses her mind. Just kidding. He can be frustrating. I used his photo because I've found that people are immediately drawn to pictures of animals and young children. And, to be honest, I'm not sure which one gets the most attention on social media. Since Mr. Bentley came home with us, I must admit that things have changed. He does require time and attention. Perhaps more than we expected. For some reason, I get blamed for him being spoiled. They accuse me of making excuses for him. I will tell you this. He does make me laugh. A lot. I'm no dog whisperer but I will say that dogs do tend to treat me differently these days. On Monday, I was outside the meeting place at the senior apartment home where we do our service each week. An elderly lady approached me with a small type of terrier on a leash. That little dog ran right up to me. I kneeled down and the dog licked my hands. (Yes, I am aware it could smell Mr. Bentley on me.) The lady said she was sorry but the dog's eyesight wasn't very good. All I can tell you is this. Prior to early January of this year, not too many dogs would be warming up to me, and especially not a blind dog. I guess Mr. Bentley had something to do with that. (He now wants to ride around the subdivision with his head out the window of my truck. At least twice a day. He drags me outside to let me know it is time for us to ride.)

The political front is both crazy right now and there's some stuff that we all need to pay attention to. The New York Times has been running a series of stories that, thus far, agree with President Trump in how an investigation was started into him and his campaign under false pretenses. You mean the NYT's would run a story like that? This is what I am talking about. We need to do what my granddad always told me to do. Use your noggin for something other than a hat rack. That is a good question. Why would they? Simply, these are likely leaked to them to try and get ahead of the coming inspector general's report of how all of this got started, and, the pending investigations that are also waiting in the wings. You see, the more than can get ahead of any of these headlines, it tends to dilute them when they come out, as being already seen and known. You know, there's nothing to see here. We already see people pontificating about how wrong it would be to destroy institutions the American people trust just to prove a point. Wait just a cotton picking minute. If the people high up in our government plotted to overthrow Donald Trump and his candidacy or worse yet, to cause him to be ousted as President, WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT! If that means the institutions are shaken, so be it! They are the ones that want the little folks to know that no one is above the law. Yep. It's time for them to practice what they preach. (My thoughts only. Just wanted to whet your appetite for what is coming down the road.)

I know about some of your concerns. And, just so you know, I do continue to take my blood pressure medicine. While I am now officially retired-retired, I have not completely lost contact with the craziness of the times we are living in. I hear those who hate the President say that we who claim to be Christians are destroying our testimony by supporting him. I understand their point since everyone knows he has not had the moral character one would want. However, when we consider the alternative(s), here is a word from Dr. John MacArthur, "One cannot be in fellowship with God and support any candidate who is for the murder of unborn children." To him, that is a show stopper, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. That would be just one example of the far left ideological drift that has become commonplace in those who would seek to unseat President Trump. They do have the mainstream media on their side. Please don't even try to argue otherwise. If that is not settled truth by now I can't imagine what would be. As many have pointed out, we do not vote for a pastor for America, we vote for a president. Unless a better candidate who shares many of the views that define my beliefs rises up, I will continue to vote against any and all who would see our nation move towards socialism and an even greater rejection of God's clear teachings. That's me. You, on the other hand, can make up your own mind. Believe it or not, I have folks who are close to me who see it quite differently. They actually buy into the false promise that somehow everything will be wonderful when we take from the rich and give to the poor. The rest of it doesn't matter to them. See what I mean? In the final analysis, each one must decide for themselves, with God's help would be my recommendation. May He bless each one and may He bless the United States of America. Amen. .....More later.

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