Friday, May 31, 2019

"Dear God, We pray for our graduates today and lift them before you. We thank you so much for these we love and for the work you are continuing to do in their lives. They are a gift to us and to many others. And during this season of new beginnings, we ask that you would make their way clear. We ask that you would keep their footsteps firm and remind them that you are with them, always. May they sense the freshness of your Spirit over their lives in amazing ways, may they be strengthened, instilled with hope, for the new roads you have in store." ~ copied

Our Lexie on the left and her cousin Morgan, graduating together this evening.
Okay. Let's see if I can close out the week with something that will be of interest to someone, somewhere. Due to the Memorial Day observance last Monday, it is a short work week (for most) Friday, and this one is on the last day of May, the 31st, 2019. Lord willing, this evening, we will be making the trek across the way to see our granddaughter Lexie Dee as she graduates from High School. She will finish her high school days on a high note, graduating Summa Cum Laud and on the Distinguished Honor Roll. Lexie will be entering the University of Texas, Austin, this fall. Our prayers go with her and all those who will be pursuing the next phase of their life adventure. May God bless. Amen.

On this day, twelve years ago, here's a paragraph from that day's blog. ~ If you have read my Mothers Day tribute blog dated May 11, 2007, you read about how we lost my dad in 1954 which was a cataclysmic event for us. Looking back, having relocated into a small sleepy rural town, there’s no way we could have been anything other than pitiful. My mom was 30, widowed with six children and having to live with her parents. The odd thing is that we never knew we were pitiful. It was as if the entire community conspired to not let us know the reality of our situation. I know many helped in different ways. Yet, I never knew of anyone who made an open show or big deal about what they did. Lunchroom workers piled up the food on my plate as they bathed me with their loving support. In a low key and natural way folks went out of their way to let me know they were on my side. Okay, maybe I was just a naïve kid. Maybe I am reliving my past and seeing it all through rose-colored glasses. I don’t think so. Could it be there was a time when a spirit of Mayberry was alive and well somewhere other than in a fictional TV series? I think so, and I thank God for the people who made it a reality for me! ~

My wife thought I was a little too overwrought by the internet outage. I suppose it was a knee-jerk flashback response on my part. Too much wailing and gnashing from my past I suppose. There was some funny stuff along the way too. When we were attempting to troubleshoot the problem and had the support folks on the cell phone, well, it had been so long since we had called, we didn't know any of the authentications required for them to respond. I don't ever remember setting up the name of my favorite singer as the security question. I certainly didn't know the four digit pin code either. All of that information is stored online which we couldn't get to. We guessed as much as we could and complained as much as we could until the technician did finally check to see if there were outages in our area. That's when our observed suspicion was confirmed. They estimated 24 hours to repair. Yes. I do know that authentication information should be printed out and put in a place where it can be found. That would be way too easy, especially when you are trying to convince a technician in India that you really do pay for this service and need to know what is going on. I'm not even sure I ever had a favorite singer. What's up with that? You what? You are still glad you are not me. I don't blame you for one second on that one. Sadly, I can't say the same since I am me. Enjoy your Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday and I will see if anything bubbles up for our time together scheduled for next Monday. Lord willing and the cable splice stays in place. Amen. ....More later.

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