Tuesday, May 14, 2019

"A mother understands what a child does not say." ~ copied

Good morning and welcome. It is Tuesday, May 14, 2019, and I am here to tell you no matter what you do you cannot please everyone. I saw a rant before Mothers Day on Facebook where the lady was going off on the comparison of Muffins with Mom versus Donuts with Dad. She went on and on about how moms do all the work and they end up with pitiful muffins and dad does very little but he gets donuts. Really? You must be hurting if you think that to be a legitimate complaint. We had a Muffins with Mom celebration at our local Church and the spread they put on was nothing short of amazing. They had every type of pastry imaginable, fruit, yogurt, you name it. There were many hundreds there and the foods just kept being replenished. We were so thankful our youngest, Rodney, was able to come and enjoy this time of fellowship in honor of his mom. Mothers Day evening we were able to meet up with our eldest, Chris, and his family along with our middle son, Jimmy, for a time of celebrating moms at a local eatery. We were there for nearly two hours. A good day. I didn't hear the wife say anything about being slighted by the Muffins with Mom recognition.

Many of you recognize how the greatest of gifts are not material in nature. I can assure you, the wife was overjoyed to be with her boys. That reminded me of some gifts I have given over the years that ended up transcending the value of the object given. I remember the time I bought Paw Paw Mac a new 12 gauge shotgun. He had been having trouble in his squirrel hunting. He dearly loved Granny Mac's fried squirrel smothered in gravy. It was the Christmas of 1966 and I had put a 36" goose gun on layaway for him. When I gave it to him, his eyes glistened and he said, "Son, with this gun all I will need is their address because I can just reach up to where they live and knock them out." Early on in our marriage, we lived pretty close, financially speaking. We ate a lot of rice and beans along with homemade biscuits. I was working two and three jobs and I had slipped around and bought the wife a Helbros watch. It wasn't expensive. I wanted it to be a surprise so I waited for us to have the big family Christmas gathering on her side. I put the gift in the pile. When they handed it to her they told her it didn't have a name as to who was giving it to her. She opened it and immediately bust out balling. She had nearly everyone there crying before it was over. An inexpensive watch but what a response! No wonder Jesus as quoted by the Apostle Paul, said, in Acts 20:35 "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (I have many more that came to mind. Maybe I will share some of them later.)

Our youngest sent his mom a note on Facebook that is going around right now. It said this, "Sorry mom for all the dumb things I did growing up. The good news is that you don't know the half of all I did." Essentially, there is a ring of truth for us all in that little ditty. We are not proud of everything we have done in our past and we are thankful they are not of public record. I was never a full-fledged delinquent but I certainly ran with some fellows who qualified for that distinction. We had a lot of fun times and we had times that I was glad my mom never knew anything about. I know some folks are proud to share a lot of those kinds of things, but, for me, I am thankful that God has forgiven all my sins, past, present, and future. If He had not, I would never be able to stand in His presence. He did that on the basis of the price paid by my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. I mentioned this because when I attempt to sift out stuff to share, I am often reminded of my sinfulness. Some might say it was a long time ago. Some of it. True. But, it is an ever-present potential that we all need to recognize and seek God's help. Even on our best day. Okay. I suppose I couldn't help but end with a brief sermonette. Thanks for tuning in and may God continue to work on each one of us to make us into an object of excellence that brings honor and glory to Him. ("His workmanship".... Ephesians 2:10)  Amen. ....More later.

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