Tuesday, May 7, 2019

“I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters.” ― David Gerrold

I thought this was a dream machine, back in the day.
Contrary to the reports you may have heard, I'm still here. Just kidding. I am working on my 'fake news' approach just in case I should ever need it. It is Tuesday, May 7, 2019, and I bid you a warm welcome and hearty hello from my little 9' by 12' cubbyhole, called The Home Office. It may be 10' by 13', but, I was only guessing. I know it's not an 8 by 10 because I believe that usually refers to a photo. At any rate, welcome, anyway. I've read about a number of famous writers who continue to only use the old upright typewriters to develop their stories. In some ways, I'm a throwback of sorts as well. I actually use a keyboard on a computer. Forget about the famous moniker applying to me, but, more and more, people who sit and type out their materials on a desktop computer, well, that's yesterday's technology. It has been replaced by a plethora of technologies that have the word 'smart' in front of them. I am aware there are people using desktops as they connect and relate to the jobs they do. Many of those are engaged with interactive programs to support their function. I've actually seen some pretty long essay type stuff that was produced using a cellphone. They likely went with a voice to text and then proofed and corrected it before publishing. The 'famous' writers say the typewriter itself is a part of their getting the words out. Process. I can relate. The interaction between me and my keyboard help my thoughts to unfold. Or, collapse, as history might report. Most desktop computers today are rigged for things like gaming. I never thought I would be saying I do my stuff the old fashioned way. And, in case you are wondering, I did spend a number of years using the Underwood upright.

I've been lamenting of late concerning my faulty rememberer. I'm not clear on where that mechanism function resides, you know, front lobe, left brain, right brain, a combination of all of the above, or who knows? Here's something that might help. It comes from the Queensland, Australia Brain Institute under this heading: Where are memories stored in the brain? The answer: "Different types are stored across different, interconnected brain regions. For explicit memories – which are about events that happened to you (episodic), as well as general facts and information (semantic) – there are three important areas of the brain: the hippocampus, the neocortex, and the amygdala." It didn't do much for me but I'm sure it makes sense to someone. I already knew that memory information was stored in different places and that which is kept over the long term is put in its own area, long-term memory. It's like having a room full of file cabinets, but, the labels are all missing and the report saying what is in each one, well, it has been either lost or misplaced. It might be in one of those unmarked file cabinets. The good news? The stuff you are interested in is probably still around. The less than good news? That doesn't mean you can find it. I'm 72 years young. That accounts for some of it. That may sound old to you, but, I found out this past Sunday the Bible Study class I teach at our local fellowship is rated for those 73 and up. I've been in that class for a while and I'm still nearly 6 months away from being eligible. I told them I suppose I still have my training wheels on. They laughed.

When I mention to The Wife how she forgot something she now has a ready list of things she remembers that I had forgotten of late. That used to not happen. Funny how she can remember 'that' list. I suppose we should have some fun with it. ~  My wife is so negative. I remembered the car seat, the stroller, and the diaper bag. Yet all she can talk about is how I forgot the grandbaby. ~ Two old friends met by chance on the street. After chatting for some time, one said to the other, "I'm terribly sorry, but I've forgotten your name. You'll need to tell me." The other stared at him thoughtfully for a long time, then replied, "How soon do you need to know?" ~ In order to help jump-start the U.S. economy, the INS has announced that this year they will stop focusing on illegal aliens, and begin the deportation of retired people. It's predicted that this will not only help lower health care entitlement costs, but it turns out that retirees are much easier to catch. Plus, they rarely can remember how to get back home. ~ There is an aspect of remembering no more that is grounds for shouting hallelujah. This has to do with God's way of dealing with those that come to Him based on the new covenant put in place by the sacrifice of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The writer of Hebrews put it this way: For I will be merciful toward their evil deedsand their sins I will remember no longer.” (Hebrews 8:12 from the NET Bible) The song 'My Sins are Gone' put it this way:

"They're underneath the blood on the cross of Calvary,
As far removed as darkness is from dawn;
In the sea of God's forgetfulness, that's good enough for me,
Praise God, my sins are gone!"

I just remembered. It is time to say so long for now. See you next time and may God be with each one. Amen. .....More later.

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