Wednesday, May 22, 2019

"The hindsight bias of "the good old days" is a psychological fallacy we have internally and socially constructed to avoid the reality of the daunting present and future. It parallels the idyllic lives of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before the fall of man. It's highly unlikely that we've experienced life like that, and even more importantly, "the good old days" aren't going to help us with our problems, now." ~ Ryan Fan, Emory University

Hello and welcome to Wednesday, May 22, 2019. It's another day here in the neighborhood. I 100% get it because I am a sucker for the vintage photos that depict life 'back in the day'. The scene is typically one of tranquility and peace. The view of the old front porch or the little creek so beautiful it looks like a painting. I am one that enjoys a visit to the 'good old days'. However, truth and reality have a way of helping to put our wishfulness into a context and perspective. I remember some of those times spent on the porch. It was so hot you had to take turns finding the next breath of air. You knew you needed to use the flyswat to kill some of those pesky critters but you didn't want to expend the energy and you figured they would die anyway from the heat. As for that creek bank, the mosquitoes there were large enough for you to tell your dog to go back home lest he be carried away. And, what about one of those aggressive water moccasins? See one or two of those and your hankering for swimming dried up in a heartbeat. Those realities don't keep me from visiting my past, but, they do remind me there are no perfect places or perfect situations in this fallen world we live in. I have wonderful memories of growing up in a 'Mayberry' world, yet, they are tempered by the bad stuff everyone deals with in life. I was reminded of this the other day when someone was encouraging people not to be too quick in deciding because they think the grass is greener over there. This person reminded us all of the Irma Bombeck book/quote: "The grass is always greener over the septic tank."

That brings up a memory. We had a dug septic tank in the home I grew up in. It had a field line to deal with the sewage. It was an ongoing project to keep all of that working as it should. It's never a good day when a neighbor tells you that based on the smell they think your septic system needs some attention. I often was an enlisted helper when my grandfather would go out to see what could be done. That stuff rarely shows up in those back home photos. I could go on and on, but, the truth is we can only make a difference in the world we are currently living in. Think about it. It nearly hit 100 degrees here this week and the feels like was 100. That sure makes having air conditioning a real blessing. Back in those 'Mayberry' days, I used to lay in bed at night and pray for a long freight train to come rolling by to distract me from smothering from the heat and humidity. And, no, that doesn't change my thoughts about the positives that existed back then. I spent the night one time with a fellow who had one of those early model loud clanking window A/C units. You mean people sleep in the summer in a room so cold you have to cover up? Yep. They did. I suppose had I not experienced that I wouldn't have known I was missing out on something. I believe old timers tell us to realize how those minor difficulties helped to build character. I'm not so sure. They did make us wish for a freight train because it was so hot. Just saying.

Why did I decide to write about his subject today? Remembering President George W., perhaps I see myself as it relates to my blog as the 'decider in chief'. Actually, I don't really know exactly how I decide these things. I did see that posting about the greener grass the other day and I suppose that's what triggered today's thoughts. Let me be clear. The Bible teaches that we should not take lightly the past, especially when it relates to a time of walking with the Lord and serving Him. Here is the inspired advice from the Lord through the Prophet Jeremiah: "Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein." (Jeremiah 6:16) There is always a reason to go back to the Lord and His ways. Always. Often we see our personal preferences as being equal to the old paths. We need to really examine that one because if we truly evaluate it, that's not even close to being true. The old paths referred to by the Prophet was when Israel was right with God and walking in His ways. That would be something we all should ponder, including yours truly. Have a great rest of the day and may God bless each one. Amen. ...More later.

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