Friday, May 3, 2019

Psalm 116:15 "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints."

Today is Friday, May 3, 2019.  I want to start with a flashback to honor the memory of my mom on her birthday. She was a remarkable woman that God gave to us as a gift. I wrote this last year and it's still my version of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Remembering my mom on what would have been her 95th birthday.

That would be yours truly with my mom, from 1953.
For more years than I can remember, I would have been traveling on this special day. It's my mom's birthday. But, not today. I tried to always drive over to Louisiana and spend the day with her, and dad. I typically carried them a meal. They both loved grilled meat and I would get up in the wee hours and fix them a little cookout. (Mom loved chicken, dad loved beef.) The wife always provided the side dishes and one of mom's favorite desserts. Good memories. I could talk myself into being sadder but I just feel too blessed, and I know where she is. She was granted 93 years in her sojourn here on the planet. Sure, I miss them both. More than words can convey. I used to always remind her that when Jesus spoke of how much He cared for His own, He used a mother hen to illustrate His love, "How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings..." (Matthew 23:37) That's the picture He used. That was a picture of my mom. To the end. May God bless her memory and the legacy she imparted to us. Amen.

Last December, we stopped by to see Sister Brenda.
I remember many years ago I heard James Blackwood of the famous Blackwood Brothers Quartet talking about the long life God had granted to him. He said one of the things that came with it was having to say so long for now to so many wonderful friends and family members. I was much younger when I heard him talking about that. I couldn't really identify completely with what he was saying. However, I now have lived that truth in my own life. It is "the reality" of life. This week we said that very same thing, so long for now, to another wonderful friend and sister in Christ. Sister Brenda Riley arrived at her heavenly destination this past Wednesday evening. She loved her Lord. She loved her family. She loved people. I told her brother she wore her testimony on her sleeve, and he said, yes, on both of them. When God passed the leadership responsibility to Joshua from Moses He simply said, "Moses, my servant, is dead." (Joshua Chapter 1) "My servant." That is perhaps the greatest title that anyone could achieve in their sojourn here on the planet. I believe Sister Brenda was welcomed home as a servant of her Lord. May God bless her memory and her family as they deal with this loss.

Speaking of that, we also received word yesterday morning of the passing of our Uncle Waymon in his sleep. He was my mom's brother and the last remaining child of eight born to Granny and Paw Paw Mac. Uncle Waymon, 93, was a man of distinction and a wonderful and influential example to us all. He was a WWII veteran, a retired railroad executive, and a man who served the Lord. He contributed much in the way of serving others, especially the needy and underprivileged, and I feel particularly blessed by him and Aunt Elwanda, (passed away in January of 2017). I am thankful to God for the support and encouragement they gave to me over the years. May God comfort their daughter Cindy and the rest of their family at this time. Amen.

Sad thoughts today? Not really. Our expectation and hope is to join those we love on the other side. Recently, I was called to the hospital by Sister Brenda to be there when she talked to a family member about what it means to be a born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. We did that. During the conversation, she mentioned this song and how glorious it will be when we all are together with Jesus forever and ever:

Glad Reunion Day, Written by Adger M. Pace

There will be a happy meeting in Heaven, I know
When we see the many loved ones we've known here below
Gathered on that blessed hilltop with hearts all aglow
That will be a glad reunion day.

A glad day, a wonderful day,
A glad day, a glorious day
There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay
That will be a glad reunion day.

When we live a million years in that wonderful place
Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face
It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace
That will be a glad reunion day.

A glad day, a wonderful day,
A glad day, a glorious day
There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay
That will be a glad reunion day.

Have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. Lord willing, I will be here in my place come next Monday. Amen. ....More later.

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