Friday, September 29, 2017

Ways to describe my discombobulated world: Addled ~ bewildered ~ bugged ~ chagrined ~ confounded ~ confused ~ disconcerted ~fazed ~ fuddled ~ in a tizzy ~ rattled ~ taken aback.

Happy Friday on this last one for September, here on the 29th, in the year of our Lord, 2017. It's a happy one for me because the wife surprised us by coming home last night. Her being home always makes things better. Always. Ever since the liberal power elite set out to destroy Chic-fil-A, I've been keeping up with how they are fairing. They have never, under any circumstances, discriminated against any customer buying their food. The family owning and running the Company are very open about their Christian beliefs. They talk directly about the biblical standard that God has given for His human family. Because they spoke up about how same-sex marriage is counter to God's expressed will, the liberal media along with the liberal power mongers have been doing their best to hurt this Company. In a nutshell, they have not hurt the Company at all. Last year it had the highest sales per store reported in the 15 major fast food chains. And, they were way ahead of the chain in second place. The other day I was returning to the office around 11 a.m. I passed by many different fast food outlets. Dairy Queen, Popeye's, Burger King, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Sonic, and a Jack in the Box. I was on the feeder. There were maybe between 3 and 6 cars at most of those places. When I came by the Chick-fil-A, it was wrapped around with cars twice, (double looped around the store), and every parking spot was taken. Sometimes 'the people' don't get to decide. In this case, they do, and they have. And, I believe it's God's blessings. I do. Yep. That's what I believe. (Now that's truly a drive-by survey on my part. Get it? I was driving by. Okay. Forget it.)

Actual train wreck in France in 1885.
I'm surprised the metaphor, train wreck, talking about things going bad or turning out bad is still used as much as it is.  Obviously, it can be overused to describe almost anything that ends up not going well, however, it typically reflects something thought to be an utter disaster. Sometimes it is used to describe people. Someone whose life is spiralling out of control can be said to be a train wreck or they have turned their life into a train wreck. I see it a lot when things about politics are being written. That bill in Congress has turned into a train wreck. The President's solution has become a train wreck. Things like that. I wasn't able to find the earliest usage of this as a descriptive way to deal with anything yielding disastrous consequences, therefore, I assume it was pretty natural to associate failures with the outcome of train wrecks. Some have speculated that it also has to do with people viewing an accident. It's something that is hard to look at but also hard to turn away from. (Some use the term car wreck in a similar fashion.)  I Googled up the uses of "train wreck" over the past 24 hours and I can assure you it is alive and well. From celebrities to sports, politics, natural disasters, and oh yeah, lest we forget, actual trains wrecking, the term continues to be popular. The thought came to me that without God we all are train wrecks. Thankfully, He is in the business of putting us on the Right Track. Amen.

It was the photo. I saw the photo of that train crashing out of that building and that is what made me think about that particular subject. God created us to respond to the images we see. Sometimes when you really want to be left with your jaw dropped, read what researchers know about how the eye transmits what we see to the brain and what the brain does with that information. Here's the conclusion from one paper I read: "Without the brain constantly computing as a visual processor, the visual information we receive through our eyes would remain a chaotic, jumpy mess. Corrective neurological mechanisms account for our eyes’ movements. Visual memory and attention work together to allow a fluid transition from one source of information to the next. In combination, these processes allow our brain to create our perception of a coherent, stable visual world." I guess when stuff I write doesn't turn out so good, well, it could be the part of my brain that's supposed to keep it from becoming a chaotic, jumpy mess, must have taken a holiday. What's that? Maybe a leave of absence? That's a good one. Enjoy your Saturday, and Lord's Day Sunday. Who knows what my eyes will see and my brain will come up with for our next time together. May God bless. Amen. ....More later.

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