Tuesday, December 9, 2014

“My blog is a collection of answers people don’t want to hear to questions they didn’t ask.” ― Sebastyne Young, Author

Welcome to Tuesday, December 9, 2014. Hello out there. I suppose the blogosphere has become somewhat saturated but I'm glad to still be working from my little way station here at the ole blogger ranch. I came to it somewhat later than others but with about 65 more postings I will hit the 2000th episode. That number has a ring to it and if and when I get there it will give me an opportunity to consider whether this interesting and most rewarding venture has perhaps run its course. Maybe. Maybe not. I don't mind the fact that I am repetitive at times, however, it does bother me when I don't recognize it. The wife reads a little ditty and then sends me a note that says she thinks it is something I have already shared. Recently. Hello? Like I say, I don't doubt it, but, most of the time I know it when I do it. The fact that something might go up that was under my radar may have a message for me. That's still a ways off so I'll just keep on slogging my way through until that time next Spring. Whatever the case, I continue to enjoy our daily visits and I am thankful for the opportunity to share and more importantly for those who take the time to participate. Thanks so much.

Last Saturday the wife carried a big pot of her homemade stew up to the Church for the little party they did for the older ladies they minister to at the apartment complex. I went up and did my little Santa program. I could tell they had more food than you could shake a stick at so I went home and waited. I was very hungry but I felt like the wait would be worth it. What in the world was keeping that woman? I could taste that stew. I big chunk of cornbread and some of my Granny Mac's and my Mom's recipe in a big bowl, now that's what I call a flashback, a fast forward, and everything in between. Finally, I heard the garage door go up. I couldn't help myself. My mouth and my taste buds started dancing like the Rockettes do up at Radio Music Hall in New York City. She came in. She put her things down. She came over and sat down on the couch. I may have, by that time, been making some whimpering noises. I blurted out the pertinent question: "Oh my word woman, where in the world is the stew?" She casually mentioned that the ladies decided to keep everything in the refrigerator at the Church to serve for the potluck coming up on Wednesday. You did what? You are kidding? Right? No-o-o-o-o-o! And, that my friend is how life goes sometimes. I have learned over the years the little phrase 'the ladies decided' can mean trouble and it sure did this time. In fairness, she did offer to go back up to the Church and fetch me some, but, by that time the drooling had dried up. What's that? It will give me something to look forward to on Wednesday? That's a thought. And I suppose I should thank you for your observation. I'll think about it.

I'm sure that little story may have the mark of an embellishment here and there. But, it is my story, and I will have to tell you, that I am sticking to it. It has something to do with having your mouth set on something. One particularly cold day had me thinking about homemade chili. That's been a comfort food staple on cold days in our family ever since I can remember. I had that on my mind. All day. When I got home the wife had fixed a wonderful breakfast supper. I told her that I had been thinking about chili all day. She said she had thought about it also but had decided to go with the homemade biscuits, cheese omelet, hash browns, grits, and bacon served up with some homemade may haw jelly along with a tall glass of ice cold milk. I couldn't argue with that and it sure was good but nevertheless it is interesting how that chili mindset works on you. You know what I'm talking about. You get to dreaming about that hot steaming bowl of chilli with the melted cheddar on top. You can see yourself crumbling up some of that homemade cornbread into the bowl. Those images can work on you. What's that? Enough about food because I've done enough damage for one day? I do see what you mean and I agree. Enjoy the rest of your day and may our Great God bless us, one and all! Amen. ....More later.

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