Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God's glory." (First letter from the Apostle Paul to the local fellowship of believers located in Corinth, Greece. (Chapter 10, Verse 31)

You have probably seen that commercial where the camel comes into the office asking everyone to say out loud what day it is. The camel is very annoying, but, finally one lady says it, "Hump day." That's American English slang for the proverbial getting over the hump in the typical work week, and, that just happens to be this very day, Wednesday, June 12, 2013. I say typical because in this world where we are essentially wired and working on a 24x7 basis and interconnected all over the globe, well, hump day most likely is everyday somewhere in the world, or something like that. It is good to be able to say hello and welcome to this little slice of life that exists as part of the trillions upon trillions of digital bits and bytes that find their way out on the world wide information highway available to some by direct access and others who just happen to stop along their way to somewhere else. And, it actually occurs at blinding speeds, so much so, that even a tick of a portion of a second slower is noticed even by a novice user. Why? Because of the brain that God has given to us. The human brain is the model that computer designers seek to fashion and even with all the mind blowing technologies available, most would say they have only scratched the surface when it comes to the inherent processing capability of our brains. Do we have a great Creator, or what? Amen.

I know what some of you are thinking. You sure hope they are using a better brain that mine or yours to copy. Don't sell yourself short. Go and read about all the things your brain does just in auto pilot mode. You might just be surprised. Some of us, however, can identity with the old saying, "When God passed out brains, I thought He said trains, and I missed mine." I think we all know we do need to exercise the one that we did inherit. My mom and dad are voracious readers. My mom also loves doing jig saw puzzles and those find-the-word scramble games. She has stacks of books of those word games. My wife plays games on her smart phone and she too enjoys puzzles and word games. Those are good ways to keep the mind sharp and focused. Even something like doing this daily blog can help keep the cobwebs at bay. Another thing I like to do is check out the origin and uses of words and phrases. Take for instance that 'at bay' we've all heard and used for years. The word bay itself is all over the place with about nine different meanings depending on how it is used. The 'at bay' in terms of applying it to humans holding something back can be found as far back as the 16th century. It had something to do with hunting dogs baying and then being held back from their prey at the end of the hunt. Let's hope in my case it can help deal with those cobwebs because there are a lot of them to say grace over. I'll let you look that one up.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that all of the efforts we put forth to stay sharp is of little consequence if we don't know the Creator Himself, and, if we do not use what He gave to us for the purpose He intended. The Bible puts it this way: "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Gospel of Mark, Chapter 8, Verse 36) This means that regardless of how high or low our IQ may be, we can make a difference for time and eternity by our response to God in using all that He has given to us for His honor and glory. It has been my privilege in my lifetime to have rubbed shoulders with some brilliant people. Some who likely would have been authenticated as geniuses. I've been in the labs of some of the high technology companies and I've heard from those scientists that were dealing with innovation many years in the future. Yet, my heart often went out to them and others who sadly have lived out the tragic assessment that God has given: "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'" (14th Division of the Psalms, Verse 1) Too many of us use what God has given to us to make a living without ever making the life He would have us to live. Now that is something we all can take and think about, ponder, and yes, even pray over. Have a great day and may God bless each one. Amen.       .....More later.

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