Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"Routine is a ground to stand on, a wall to retreat to; we cannot draw on our boots without bracing ourselves against it." Henry David Thoreau

Let me see. Most days here's how my typical morning goes: At 3:15 a.m., I began my day by waking up this morning. Check. Got dressed and brushed my teeth. Check. Kissed the wife goodbye for now and told her that I love her. Check. She mumbled the same back to me. Check. Began my drive into work listening to another chapter on the audio book station about the allied invasion on D Day. Check. Said my morning prayers. Check. Arrived at work. Check. Checked my blood sugar. Check. Coffee is making. Check. Now on the computer and peck pecking my way to another visit here at the old blogger ranch on this Wednesday, June 5, 2013, and I do send out a big howdy to one and all. Check. Routine. Same old same old day after day. Some folks rail against it and say you need to shake it up, turn it upside down, or just throw it out like last week's newspaper. I see it a little differently. Each of those routine activities give me something to be thankful for. I woke up. (That's a biggie each day.) I'm able to function well enough to do the things I need to do. I have a wonderful wife. I have a job to go to. I have access to wonderful medical service that helps me deal with my diabetes. I have Community Coffee to drink. And, finally, I can call on the Lord because He is always there. I think I'll stay with this one for a while longer, Lord willing, of course. Amen.

I had to really search for a quote that had anything good to say about routine and we all know that it can become the proverbial drag on life itself. That's when the routine of life becomes the rut of life. To each his own but I like to think that you can do exactly what Thoreau said and that is to use your daily approach to life as a foundation upon which you can build and operate from. I think most of us are pretty happy that our bodies to a great extent follow set routines and patterns. I could decide to change up my routine by driving on the wrong side of the road one morning. That would be exciting I suppose but it might not entitle me to being around to do it the next day, if you know what I mean. Many of the most outrageous quotes about how routine destroys the enjoyment of life itself are made by people that I would never take advice from anyway. So many regular and routine activities in life contribute to the welfare and well being of others. Think about the care and scheduling that is required in developing a healthy and well balanced child. That's not drudgery, that's a holy calling and I thank God for those who respond to it. Look what it did for me. Well, maybe I'm not the best example. At least my eye doctor wouldn't think so.

Speaking of the eye appointment, it all went well. In fact, it was excellent. I was there early and hooked up with a technician to get that strobe deal done before the doctor even arrived. The doctor said she had watched these three microscopic blood vessel lesions for two years with no change, therefore, she will now only need to see me on an annual basis. Meanwhile, I think I saw the entire crew huddled in the corner talking. They most likely were asking if the doctor thought I could postpone the next examination for five years, or maybe they were recommending that I seek a higher level specialty, preferably in a far away land. You know that I have to be kidding. Right? Just because they glanced at me a couple of times while they were in that huddle, that doesn't really mean anything. Or, at least I don't think it does. I will be doing a weekly self administered eye test to make sure there are no focus changes. I'll have to add that to my routine. And, I can also count this outcome to my list of blessings and I do thank the Lord for it. Our local fellowship of believers have a group who minister to some senior saints that live in some senior apartment dwellings. They have a service for them each Monday morning. Tonight many of these seniors will be showing up for our midweek Pot Luck Supper and Bible Study. They do this occasionally and I can tell you they do enjoy the fellowship, the singing of the old hymns, and the hearing of God's Word presented. We are so looking forward to them being with us tonight. I am so thankful for those who have made this outreach a ministry of our Church. It may not be routine but it surely finds its foundation in Christ Himself and His calling for us all to serve others. And, I add my big and hearty Amen to that!     ....More later.

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