Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"We are all born ignorant but one must work hard to remain stupid." Benjamin Franklin

Today I welcome you to our continued getting on with it on this Tuesday, November 27, 2012. Of course getting on with it requires that one knows what 'it' is. That's not my only problem. I never watched the movie Forest Gump but I am aware of some of the more memorable lines from it. Like, "Stupid is as stupid does." I've got that one covered. I recently ordered some of those ear bugs where I can listen to music, old time radio programs, or sermons while I am at my workstation. These were some pretty good ear bugs. The only problem was how they just didn't seem to fit. They kept falling out. In examining them I discovered they were marked. Right and Left. I had noticed those tiny little designations but it finally dawned on me that you are supposed to use the right bug in the right ear and the left one in the left ear. Do say! So that's how they are supposed to work. And, when I put them in their right places they fit just fine. Technology, you just have to love it. Suddenly I was struck with that sense of overwhelming conviction because of the many times I have started off a problem review meeting by asking everyone if they had marked their hands to start the day, left and right. I felt like I had fallen into a world where nothing but boomerangs were sailing around. The good news. I now know the secret of how these little ear bugs work. Like they say, you learn something new every day.

They say confession is good and even the Bible says we are to confess our faults one to another. If I got started on all of mine I fear we would be there for a while. I looked up the word stupid and it gave me this insight, a: slow of mind b: given to unintelligent decisions or acts, acting in an unintelligent or careless manner. That really does broaden it out and in my own day by day operations, it gives me way too much material to work with. Here's a few supposed to be funnies about being stupid. ~ He is so stupid he thought that 667 must be the neighbor of the 666 Beast from the Bible. ~ He is so stupid they have to retrain him after he takes his coffee break. ~ Of course folks are not always as stupid as others think. When Thomas Edison was a boy his teachers concluded that he was too stupid to ever learn anything. Walt Disney was once fired at a newspaper because the editor said he had no good ideas. Albert Einstein was four years old before he began to talk and seven before he could read. It just goes to show you, like Gump: "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." So true folks, so true.

The final votes have been tabulated and the results published for the county were we reside. You've heard of red states? Well, our county had red neon glowing as well with just under 80% of the votes cast for the Republican candidate. It's become faddish to beat up on white men. According to the current political trade winds, white men are a dying breed in terms of clout at the ballot box. White men are also responsible for all the evil and ills that afflict our land. This would be laughable if the mainstream news weren't totally campaigning this as the truth of our so called enlightened nation. I couldn't help but think about that Thanksgiving Proclamation that I shared last Wednesday. The one penned by George Washington, in his own hand, in 1789. I suppose those white guys who made up the newly formed government of the United States of America really were our enemies and not the patriots we have always believed them to be. This may sound silly, but folks, hear me and hear me well,  I tell you this is exactly what these people want us to adopt as our truth. Sad. So sad. I for one will not hear of it and I will not have it, period, end of story. You make up your own mind but as for me and my house we will do our best to serve the Lord and honor the memory of those who have served on our behalf, regardless of their skin color or the power of the demographic they represent. Amen.     ......More later.

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