Friday, November 9, 2012

If I had only known I was going to be at this for this long, I might have tried to be a little less wordy. .........Not really!

It's Friday, November 9, 2012, and today marks the 1400th time I have delivered my blog thrown up on the doorstep of your internet mailbox. That represents six years of our daily get togethers. The other day I was visiting by phone with my step brother Victor to inquire about his son who lives up in New Jersey where Hurricane Sandy hit. It was good to hear that his son is dealing with some inconvenience but is pretty much making it okay. Just as we finished talking, Victor mentioned that he starts each day by reading my blog. I appreciated him telling me that and I do get comments along and along from others. Most are very uplifting and reflect how they were encouraged. Some challenge my way of looking at things on a particular issue or subject. That's a good thing. I read a comment on Facebook the other day from a fellow telling his friends not to be so uptight about the election. He told them that regardless of how they vote, regardless of how passionate they are about their convictions, he would still be their friend when it is all said and done. I feel the same way. I respect people who have different opinions than mine. Hopefully, they will do the same for me. And, to be honest, while you may have trouble getting hold of this, I've actually been wrong before. If I do have to edit any of this, I might take out that last sentence. Just kidding. Now it's on to 1401!

We all know that we live in a crazy world when it comes to folks pursuing lawsuits. An Ontario woman recently won $300,000 from her employer. She had filed the suit saying that while at an office party she got drunk and the employer allowed her to drive home. The Company proved they had offered cabs to everyone but she had refused. On her way home she had an accident and ended up suing for damages. Organizers of an Olympics event were ordered to pay damages to a man who missed the event due to heavy traffic. In Japan, a court has ordered the organizers of the Nagano Winter Olympics to pay damages for mental anguish to a spectator who missed an event because of heavy traffic. A German bank robber was arrested recently after a teller realized the robber was hard of hearing and tripped an alarm. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, the robber is now suing the bank for exploiting his disability. A woman in Israel is suing a TV station and its weatherman for $1,000 after he predicted a sunny day and it rained. The woman claims the forecast caused her to leave home lightly dressed. As a result, she caught the flu, missed 4 days of work, spent $38 on medication and suffered stress. A surfer recently sued another surfer for "taking his wave." The case was ultimately dismissed because they were unable to put a price on "pain and suffering" endured by watching someone ride the wave that was "intended for you."

This concludes another week where I've done my best to avoid stealing anyone's wave but that doesn't mean I haven't made a few as I have thrashed around. It was a tough week for those who had hoped for a different outcome in the election. Many pundits are calling for those who espouse conservative principles to throw in the towel, give up the fight, and join the majority. I would only point out that in terms of both total votes and geography, value voters make up nearly half of the votes cast last Tuesday and we still constitute a huge force for good in our country. In fact, based on what I have read, the election was pretty much determined by the  millions who showed up in 2008 but didn't vote this year. This means that the folks who stayed home played a major role in how things turned out. But, we live, and I started to say, we learn, but that my friend is yet to be seen. I've heard all my life how those who don't vote give up their right to complain. Think about it. Complaining is as American as the fortune cookie. That's right. Invented in America, in California in the mid 1800's. Okay. That should about do it. Have yourself a wonderful Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday, and, in the meantime I'll try to figure out something for a Monday morning diversion. May God bless. Amen.            ......More later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your blog, from Hornbeck also..