Friday, January 6, 2012

These are tough times but pausing to wish our Madi a happy birthday helps me to count my blessings!

First work week of the new year is on its way to being completed. Yes siree, it is Friday, January 6, 2012, and only one week from the dreaded Friday the 13th. That's kind of scary, don't you agree? Kidding only. We see each and every day the same, each one a gift from God to do with it all that we can with His help for His honor and glory whether it's the 3rd, the 13th, 23rd, or the 30th. These Presidential polls are really up and down like a yo yo. So much so the CNN anchors are all being treated for whiplash. Joking again. But, really folks, a couple of weeks ago they were saying President Obama had regained his footing and the train was back on the track and it might be impossible to stop that train. A week later he is down 5 points and they are grasping to understand why. That's where the whiplash comes in. One thing, however, is clear. With them and with the President there is very little in the way of accountability. Maybe they were all weather forecasters before they became news reporters. They see an uptick and report it like it's all over but the shouting, yet, the next week they show up with this grimaced look on their faces as they seek to understand just what is wrong with the people out there. One liberal talking head recently complained that Iowa shouldn't even be allowed to play a role in choosing a candidate because they are just too white, too evangelical, and too rural. I suppose her answer would be to load the folks in Iowa up in boxcars and ship them to rehabilitation camps. This kind of maddening analysis from so called senior correspondents would be amusing to watch if it wasn't so potentially hurtful to the cause of liberty and freedom. I hope if Big Sis, (Janet Napolitano, head of Homeland Security), is monitoring my blogs that she will take into consideration that we still have the right to form our own opinions. Even to be wrong. I believe in America we can still do that. Can't we? (I reduced the size of that image hoping maybe they wouldn't notice.)

Don't get all tied in knots because I promise I will not be turning my daily visits into a political analysis blog. There are already plenty of those out there. However, the political realities of the day are a part of the fabric of life as we know it, therefore, from time to time I will be throwing my two cents into the hopper. I wonder what that two cents is worth in today's currency. The actual origin of this expression is not clearly established but it has been around for a long time predating even the founding of our country. Some even think it could be an allusion to the teaching Jesus did concerning the widow's mite, but, typically it is commonly used as a figure of speech reflecting a 'for what it's worth' in terms of the value of a thought or opinion. The good news is that while we all have our opinions and can do our best to help shape future direction, in the end, the results and outcomes are clearly in the hands of Almighty God. I trust Him to act according to His will and way, today, tomorrow, and forever and ever, Amen.

I end on a wonderfully positive note. Tomorrow we celebrate the birthday of our one and only great grandchild, our Madelyn Joy, who will be two. We spent New Year's Sunday with our eldest son and his family and little Madi was there and in rare form. She is a pretty little precocious, prissy, and precious little girl and we love her very much. She is very much at home with our son and daughter-in-law, her Paw Paw and Maw Maw, just like her mom was with her MiMi and Poppy, (that would be the wife and I just in case you lost your scorecard.) Her parents, Tiffany and J. C., are rightly proud of this child. The photo is her at our recent Christmas gathering. She is pointing something out to her new Dora the Explorer backpack. She does tend to liven up things when she is around and we are so thankful to God for His giving to us of this young life. May God bless her and may He give her parents the knowledge to raise her up in the love and admonition of the Lord. Happy Birthday Madi from your MiMi and Poppy. Now that is a good way to end our week. I do hope you have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday and Lord willing I'll see you on this same station next week. May God bless. Amen.      .....More later.

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