Thursday, January 19, 2012

If you don't like the weather at the moment, hang on for a few minutes and it will change, sort of like Mitt Romney on any number of issues!

Hello and welcome to Thursday's edition, not hot off the press, but calm, cool, and calculated off the information super highway, aka 'the internet', or the www (world wide web), I'll let you choose on this January 19, 2012. You have to love our weather. This past Saturday and Sunday I was literally dealing with a sheet of hard ice on my windshield. On Monday we were up to 75 and balmy. Yesterday morning back into the high thirties and I believe they are predicting nearly 80 by Friday. Welcome to the weather yo yo round up where we will provide all the different flavors that anyone could enjoy, enough even to make Baskin Robbins happy. Now many people believe these roller coaster ups and downs cause people to be sick. The science is rather muddled on the subject. The weather itself as an entity typically is thought not to make one sick. However, if it is cold you are indoors more and subject to picking up an ailment in a contaminated space. If it is warm you might be outside more and that could trigger allergies. If the weather makes a drastic change and you get wet, you might already have cold like symptoms and then you could have chills. The bottom line, the jury is out, and no one seems to be able to know for sure whether we have a serious threat or an old wives' tale. Meanwhile, my advice is for you to stay warm when it is cold and dress appropriately when it is warm. How's that for a meaningless piece of advice?

I hate to tell folks that I told them so but like so many constituents here in the state of Texas, we had a gut feel that our governor was not ready for prime time. If you were to go back and read my blogs written when he first announced, I predicted that he would prove himself to be an empty suit. Call it intuition or just an old fashioned reading of the tea leaves here in and around the Texas political landscape, but if anything, he has exceeded my expectations, meaning in the wrong way, by leaps and bounds. Today I hear that he is barely holding on to 2nd spot in the polls here in his home state. Ouch! Before he showed up for his first debate I believe nearly 50% of the Republican voters anticipated him to be a real alternative to Mr. Romney. That didn't work out so well, did it? I actually hear people who are surprised that he turned out to be such an embarrassment. I wasn't. Now you might think I have some kind of vendetta against Mr. Perry. Not any at all, period. I've never been a big supporter of his and I believe the record will show that even when I voted for him I made it clear that I had to hold my nose. These last few debates has made him mostly a whiner and sadly, his arguments seem to be more like those from a Harry Reid, Nancy Pelolsi, or maybe President Obama himself. As a conservative that is about as sad as it gets. But the side show continues, at least for now, and we can all hope when the smoke clears that he will be satisfied to live on his huge pension that he is already drawing. He said it was not his idea, his financial adviser told him to go ahead and take advantage of a quirk in the law and that he should start drawing, even though he is still in office. To most people that sounds like double dipping but I'm sure us mere mortals wouldn't be aware of all the precedents, procedures, and policies that caused him to have to take these funds now. Based on polling data, most Texans are not the least bit proud of him doing this.

Here's some quotes that may make you scratch your head. If they do cause you to scratch your head, well, you might not need to worry about the weather. "Always remember you are a one of a kind, just like every other person in the world." ~ "Choosing the lesser of all evils is still choosing evil." ~ "Worst excuse for not turning in your homework: I couldn't find anyone to copy it from." ~"He who laughs last just didn't get it' ~ "Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult for them." ~ "Remember: Don't Insult the Alligator till after you cross the river." ~ "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." ~ "Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million." ~ "What do you get when you cross the Godfather with a lawyer? An offer you can't understand." ~ "The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory." ~ Okay, enough already. Please don't send me any inquiries about any of these because they will have to stand on their own. The one about choosing the lesser of evils might be very much in play this election year. I will admit that I go forth and back on that issue quite often. Being unhappy with all candidates but voting for the one you think will be less terrible, well, that does present us with a dilemma. I know what those inclined towards rational thought would say. A write in for someone you believe to be more qualified is a vote for the worst of the evils. However, at some point and time we have to be able to square the privilege of our vote with our conscience. Have a great Thursday and may we all continue to seek God's direction as we make these important decisions. Amen.    .....More later.

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