Thursday, April 28, 2011

She's still so lovely, but what happened to you?

It's always good when friends drop by. Let me rephrase that. It used to be good when friends dropped by. That's pretty much gone the way of the buffalo although I think the buffalo have made a pretty good come back. I know when we were a young couple living in a small rural town, folks would do just that, drop by. Now if someone comes unannounced, we are not typically glad they dropped by, instead we drop dead. But since it's all done here in my blog on the electronic front porch, I don't have to worry about the upstairs and how things might look, so, good to see you and welcome to Thursday here on The View, that is, The View From Here, on this April 28, 2011. Speaking of when we were younger I found the photo shown when I was looking for the combination to our safe. I needed the combination to the safe in order to prove that I was born to the social security folks. That combination was in the middle drawer of my office desk at home but we have not laid eyes or hands on it since Hurricane Ike. I finally had to pay $20 to get the combination emailed to me. But, I digress. I found the photo when I was looking for the combination. That photo was made in October of 1962 at the local fair in our parish in Louisiana. I had met Marilyn in August of that year so it goes without saying that we both were very young. Some might say too young but it was what it was. Here's the deal. I've shown this photo to several people. All of them who know my wife immediately recognize her enduring beauty. It would be good if I could end the story right there but thus far it seems there is always a question about the fellow that is sitting next to her. Some want to know his identity. Others make unusual faces when I tell them it is me. Some have asked what happened. Thanks to one and all and let me just say that being a high mileage vehicle has its good qualities like maybe it is still running, but that's not to say it doesn't have a few dings and dents picked up along with way. Who ever heard tell? Who is the fellow sitting next to your lovely girlfriend? It's no wonder I became Santa Claus. At least they never ask me how I came to look this way!

If you are still laughing I would suggest maybe you are overdoing it just a bit. Did I go to sleep and wake up as Rodney Dangerfield, or what? I suppose I could join in on the fun and tell folks the first time I saw that photo I too wondered who it was. But the good news is that I am overjoyed that it was me then, and it is still me now. I also know that many of the comments made were in jest and as you can tell, they don't bother me at all, .....bother me, .....bother me, no, they don't bother me at all. Like water off a duck's back. I've heard that all my life and to be honest I never had a clue as to what it exactly meant, nor did I much care, but I assume water must run off a duck's back pretty easily or it wouldn't make any sense. When in doubt, check it out. I looked up this phrase on the website and after defining it as one not allowing words to affect them in the slightest, it went on to give these comments about its possible origin: Probably related to the fact that ducks have oily feathers and water can't get through them, so water runs off their backs. In the same way, criticism can either get through to someone and upset them, or not get through to them and not upset them, and be "like water off a duck's back." And, I found all that out with just a few keystrokes and it came back to me quickly, or as they used to say about Superman, "Faster than a speeding bullet!"

Yes folks, I have changed. I no longer have a desire to look and dress like James Dean. Time has made a change in me. Everything along the way has contributed to who I am today. The mistakes made, the heartaches encountered, the trying times, the challenging seasons, along with the blessings of growing in my walk with God, all of them, my sweetheart who became my wife, my kids, my grandchildren, our great grand, the jobs I've held, the fellowship of other believers, family near and extended, all of it is a part of the molding process and hopefully something coming out begins to reflect back glory to the God who has preserved me throughout all these years. It does not mean I have arrived. It doesn't even mean I am today all that God wants me to be. But it does mean that He is still at work and He is the Master Potter and He does know how to mold, make, and shape His very own into the objects of beauty He desires. Part of growing up is this realization of daily need to continue the journey, continue the path of learned obedience, and to make progress in that walk of faith that reflects God to others. The song comes to mind: "Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me, All His wonderful passion and purity; O Thou Spirit divine, May I truly be Thine Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me." Reading those words makes me know just how far I still have to go, therefore, I had better sign off and wish you all a blessed day in the Lord. Amen.                  .......More later.

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