Friday, April 8, 2011

It is going to be the day that God has given to us, so let's do the best we can with it!

Ever feel like you have been pulled through a rat hole backwards? That sounds pretty gruesome but I grew up hearing that said as a way of expressing that very tired or fatigued feeling we encounter at times. I am not ready to agree that I am there but I will tell you that I may soon have to send out a search party. It seems my get up and go has got up and went and I am currently trying to locate it. But I am not complaining because the fact that I have really had a busy week, a challenging week, one where I needed to be built more for speed than comfort, is a testimony that I am still in the game, not as a major player perhaps like I once was, but still able to stand up and be counted. And I am thankful to God for the opportunity to contribute, here at work, at home, and in the areas where I am able to serve, also in helping support our extended family, my brother, and as they had on my job description when I worked in the federal civil service, Other Duties as Assigned. That catch all was one that always brought a smile since so much tended to fall into that category. Yet, here I am, able to greet one and all, and to welcome you once again into my little world, subtitled, The View From Here, on this Friday, April 8, 2011. How in the world are you doing, anyway? The one thing we all know is that we are not alone in being busy in this life. I groan and moan some here on this page mostly for comedic purposes because there is no doubt that there are many others living here, there, and everywhere who are burning the candle at both ends much more than I. Most of them don't get the opportunity to tell others about it, but I do. And, thank you very much for listening.

Do you ever get to the place where the grinding noise coming out of Washington D.C. becomes mostly aggravating and  annoying? I agree with President Obama that it is time for the folks there to act like grown ups, but he might just stop on his way to the microphones and look in a mirror, because he is also a major player in all of these shenanigans going on, and on, and on. Everybody accuses the other folks of playing politics. The pollsters are working overtime but not on stuff that matters. They are busy trying to get the pulse of the voting public on this burning issue: If the government is shut down, who will be blamed? I blame them all. I blame the corrupt system that we have allowed to rule our everyday lives. I blame the special interests, the lobbyists, and those who buy and sell our interests as their primary jobs. Okay. I think you get my point. I am an equal opportunity blamer. The problem is that I see no end in sight. Whatever happens, you and I will end up having to live with it, pay for it, and the posturing and the politicizing will continue unabated. Every tax credit, every tax incentive, every deduction, has to be paid for, sooner or later by someone. That someone is you and I because all funds originate from spending whether we buy products and pay taxes or pay taxes directly. That's what makes it all no laughing matter because we, the people, are the ones who pay, today, tomorrow, and given the national debt, as the country song says, forever and ever, Amen. One day they will get their act together. Don't hold your breath but also don't be discouraged because God is going to take care of His own and that's a fact we can live by, today, tomorrow, and forever. Amen.

Okay. That's enough about that. I just wanted you to know that I am paying attention especially when they are doing all their tricks and we end up being the yo yo. But I always try to end on an upbeat note so that we can finish the work week in anticipation of our Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. How about a funny story on my favorite subject these days, the older folks?. An old couple is having another couple over for dinner. While the two women are fixing the dinner, the men start talking and one says to the other one "I took my wife to a great restaurant last week - wonderful food, huge portions, great service, and low prices." The other man says "Sounds great. What was the name of the restaurant?" The man says "What's the name of that red flower that you give to someone special?" "Carnation?" his friend asks. "No, that's not it." "Poppy?" he asks again. "No, that's not it either." "Rose?" he asks. "That's it. Now I remember. Hey Rose, what's the name of that restaurant we went to?" I may not be exactly there yet but I have my moments. One thing I have learned is that if you haven't developed a sense of humor about it, growing older will be a real drag because there will be times when, without warning, you will find yourself making your own funny. Maybe that's how God intended it to be. For some, they never really learned to smile about the quirkiness in life, therefore, they get to be their own source of comedy when they get older. I just wish I didn't have such a backlog of material. Maybe I should become a stand up comic but that would require me to remember the jokes. Oh well, best just to enjoy it as it comes up. Have a great day and Lord willing I'll be right here at this same place next Monday morning. May God bless.   Amen.                     ......More later.

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