Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's later than we think. America needs a revival back to God!

Welcome to what I can now designate as a long running serial called, You Bet Your Life, or, So Much to Share but so Little Time, or, You Wouldn't Believe Me if I Told You, or, and finally, just simply, The View From Here, which is exactly the way it is designated on this page up in the left hand corner. It's Tuesday, April 12, 2011, and I appreciate the opportunity to spend this brief amount of time with you. One fellow told me that he sees my blog as a way for him to have a cup of coffee with me each morning. I could not come up with anything better than that. I've always wanted it to be like a visit on the front porch where we just sit and enjoy a time of fellowship. You want to know how hard up we are for anything to watch on TV? We actually sat and watched the different news channels as they did the count down to avoiding the government shutdown last Friday evening. Sorry to admit it, but we did watch it, and yes Virginia, Santa Claus does need to bring a sack full of good old common sense to those who supposedly represent us in the White House and in both houses of Congress. While the news media and their elevated and pompous pundits focused mostly on who won or who lost, I had my own notions about why they finally reached an agreement. Here's my take: The social media circles like Facebook and Twitter were sizzling with commentary from ordinary folks who found it hard to fathom that our men and women in uniform would have to go with only a partial payment or no payment of their salaries while the fat cats in Washington received theirs regardless of a shut down or no shut down. People were outraged. Playing games with the pay of the folks that far too many end up coming home in a box, that was the straw and I think none of those in D.C. wanted to be riding that camel. You didn't hear that on the news but you did hear it from me and that would be in keeping with, The View From Here.

But we didn't shutdown and we all breathed a sigh of relief. Yes, I am aware that we all might be better off if they were not coming into their offices in Washington because at least they wouldn't be tampering with our lives on a 24 hour basis. But, things like the military and some relief type expenditures would have suffered if a shutdown had occurred. I think folks get riled in a hurry when they hear that congress folks are considered to be essential while those eating sand in Afghanistan are not. At any rate, we are back to our normal of only needing to borrow 5 billion a day to keep ourselves afloat. Many say this little skirmish was only a preview of what is to come when the budget for next year comes up. Oh well. It gives them something to run with on the 24 hour cable channels. Yesterday morning coming in to work I was listening some to American Family Radio and they were running a series about the drafters and signers of our Declaration of Independence. While people today are entitled to their opinions, they are not allowed to have a different set of facts than that which history reports. The overwhelming majority of those involved in the founding of our nation were believers in the Lord God of heaven and promoted faith in Jesus Christ as a way of seeing the nation become all that God had for her. These are the facts. Go back and read what they had to say. Go back and read the official proclamations they signed as Governors, and in their many recorded and preserved letters. This does not mean they intended to force religious views on any American citizen but it did mean, as a nation, we, according to those who risked their all to see it begin, that we would be a nation under God. These historically documented facts are no longer being used to ground our school children as they once were now that we have textbooks that feature a politically correct revisionist view of how this nation came to be. What would some of those whose names on that document put them immediately on the wanted dead or alive poster have to say about this development? They would say God help our nation and God bring revival to our land. Amen.

I know what some of you are thinking. You read that first blog from May of 2007 and were greatly impressed with its brevity. You saw that and like the Vietnamese American co-worker used to ask me, "What happened you?" What can I say? It was my first time out and I was still using blog training wheels. Once I became comfortable with the medium and how it worked, well, the rest, as they say, is history and given the length of today's missive, one can correctly conclude the very first blog was not the model but only a prototype. I have readers who actually spend more or less time taking it all in depending on the subject matter. My wife pretty much hates any and all things political and she only skims those that tend to go on and on about that subject. However, I have said often and will say again that while we don't always get to choose the things our government does and does not do, we do get to choose whether we will engage the process or not. I had this discussion the other day with my eldest son. He said he couldn't see himself voting for particular individuals who are making noise about trying to run against President Obama. I said if any of those we were discussing gained the nomination I would probably do a write in for someone I believed to be a better choice. He said, rightfully so, that doing it that way would end up being a vote for President Obama. I agree but I also think that way too many of us have compromised principle on our way to trying to be pragmatic about the end results. Voting your conscience as God would lead is always going to be the right way as I see it, regardless of the impact of that particular vote. In the end, without God's blessings on our nation we are a very destitute people indeed. And, may that change as we seek Him! Amen.              ........More later.

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