Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Are you scared yet? Don't be, God is in control!

Dearly beloved we are gathered here today, just kidding, but I did think those to be some pretty excellent opening words on this Wednesday, March 9, 2010. Do you have enough on your worry list yet? While Congress debates whether to cut 20 billion or 60 billion from this year's budget, there's an elephant hiding in the corner that very few people are talking about. It involves the national debt. It's actually the amount of interest we are currently paying, at the tune of $200 billion for this year. The number crunchers tell us that if we do not begin to do something about the level of borrowing by our national government, this number will grow to $928 billion within the next 10 years. That staggering amount will be mostly paid to Communist China who will then most likely use it to further humanitarian endeavors throughout the world. NOT! This may sound cynical but since it reflects my opinion I suppose it is what it is: Why would any nation who loves freedom actually help finance a freedom suppressing nation to accomplish its evil plans? But, essentially, that's what we have done. Call it the Barbie doll syndrome or whatever you like, it is an absolute nightmare with potential catastrophic consequences. While the current debate is important, I think we all can see that it reflects mostly chump change compared to the potential problem we are facing. The current administration, after having exploded the deficit, seems to be content with trying one more time to lay it all on former President George W. Bush. He owns his fair share along with both Republican and Democratic Congresses. However, when in heaven's name, will our President, fully accept, like Harry Truman, that he must take ownership and recognize that in order to make any headway at all, the buck has to stop with him?

 Some people have begun using the statement, God help us. Many use it as a throw down line. But, let me tell you how I see it. There's a passage from the Psalms in the 146th Division, where the writer cries out, "3 Do not put your trust in princesNor in a son of man, in whom there is no help4 His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; In that very day his plans perish. 5 Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the LORD his God6 Who made heaven and earth, The sea, and all that is in them; Who keeps truth forever7 Who executes justice for the oppressed, Who gives food to the hungry. The LORD gives freedom to the prisoners. 8 The LORD opens the eyes of the blind; The LORD raises those who are bowed down; The LORD loves the righteous. 9 The LORD watches over the strangers; He relieves the fatherless and widow;  But the way of the wicked He turns upside down."The psalmist recognized that the best that any human being has to offer is transitory at best with no lasting value, therefore, he was glad to see God as His provider. I happen to think 'God help us' is an appropriate response to where we are as a nation and when we do so in spirit and in truth, God will respond and we as a nation will once again be that beacon of light set upon the hill for all the world to see!

Since I've already stirred the pot, I might as well turn the heat up as well. In the Bible study class that I teach on Sunday mornings we have been working our way through a verse by verse study through Genesis and now Exodus. With all the uproar going on in the very region of the world that we are studying about, the question often comes up about the nation of Israel and the lands originally ceded to them by God Himself. I tackled this question last week and provided the class with an overview of the pertinent verses and a map. That map reflects what God originally told Abraham and later confirmed to Joshua as the nation actually entered into the Promised Land. That map would shock the folks at the United Nations and even our own State Department. It includes major portions of existing countries that are hostile to Israel today. Some within the religious world think these promises to have been nullified and no longer relevant. Some even believe that the Local Assembly or Church as it is called today has replaced Israel and that God no longer has a plan for His originally chosen people. Okay, this is my blog, so I will tell you what I believe the Scriptures to teach. First and foremost, the entire globe belongs to The Creator, therefore, He can do with it as He pleases. To cut to the chase, looking only at Romans Chapters 9, 10, and 11, one gets the unmistakably clear message that God will again in the future deal directly with the Jewish people, and I believe that will include them occupying all the lands originally ceded to them, perhaps during the Millennium Reign of Christ here on the earth. God said that land was given to them in perpetuity and He used the words everlasting possession. Secretary Clinton and President Obama can form their own opinions and pursue their own agendas but in the end, I'll trust in the Lord God to do it His way, which will be forever and forever, the Right way. Amen.                .....More later.

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