Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering to remember. And also a thank you to those who slog through my blog each day!

Today is the anniversary of one of those days that changed us forever. None of us will ever forget where we were eight years ago when we first heard about or saw those planes crashing into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Our prayers go out to all those impacted by this act of cowardly terrorism. This includes all families associated with the immediate victims as well as the cascading casualties in the first responders, and the many brave ones who have died throughout the years of wars orchestrated to defeat this evil. We remember.


It is Friday, September 11, 2009 and as for today’s page, I welcome one and all to the 600th edition of my daily musings called The View from Here. Thanks to my mom who made this possible or I think that’s the way people talk on important occasions. Important or not, six hundred is a pretty big number when you think about all the gray cells lost in the effort, especially when you have a limited reservoir to draw from to begin with. I’ve enjoyed doing these each day and to a certain extent they no doubt have produced some cathartic benefit as I have ranted and raved about this, that, and the other. Some of them, if not most of them, have been very personal in nature but that’s the point of a personal blog, right? I would never expect that even my most faithful readers would agree with me on every single viewpoint or opinion that I hold. I’ve learned from experience that we all change some of our views as we live out our lives here on the planet. I’m also aware that my idea of something that is funny may not be funny to someone else, but again, it is a personal blog and the good news is that it takes only a second to hit the delete button and move on to something of more interest.

Hopefully, at one time or another I have been able to inform, encourage, give some spiritual guidance, and show forth a sense of my love for the Lord, my family, and the life He has given to me. Six hundred blogs for me reflects over two years of my life in dealing each day with whatever it is that comes down the pike. I am honest in saying that some of my walks down memory lane have brought tears to my eyes as I have remembered people that were and are so very special to me. There are days when I finish writing and say, “Thank you Lord, that will be of help to someone out there.” Other days I ask myself, “Hey buddy, what in the world were you thinking?” In either case, I typically hit the send button anyway. I’ve heard people comment on the discipline it must take to do one of these every day and even to a fellow who tends to overflow in his wordiness, I must confess there are days when it seems like the mental ink well is down to its last drops.

I’ve read some of the last blogs written by other folks when they determined it was time to shut down their daily updates. Often they indicate they have come to the end of all they know to share or perhaps they feel like the usefulness has outlived their time and effort. I typically get feedback from a few of those on the distribution list and that helps to encourage me to keep on going, at least, at this time. After all, that delete option is there for one and all and it is a very effective guard against me becoming too intrusive into your schedule. My boys read them off and on. They occasionally call me and ask what it was that I was referring to in a particular paragraph and I tell them it was something mentioned in a previous day’s episode, but they want me to tell them rather than going back and reading a back issue. I know how they feel. When I am in a waiting room I almost never care about a magazine that is out of date. Forget about it. I would just as soon watch people instead and find new things to fill up my daily dish of dialogue. Six hundred days of digging into my view of the world is a lot to ask folks to endure. One lady sent me an email wanting to know exactly how I put my images together. While it is certainly not rocket science, I told her it would be next to impossible to begin to explain the myriad of variations of how, when, and where I find the ones I use. And, that explanation just about sums up the whole deal in terms of how all of this eventually finds its way to the published electronic page. Thanks for tuning in and may God bless you and may He be honored in all our lives. Amen. I wonder what number 601 will have to say? Since Sunday is the 1st anniversary of our now famous tree in the house story, I’m sure I can think of something to write about. But until then I leave you with this promise or threat, there will be: .......More later.

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