Friday, April 24, 2009

Blogging for apples, 500 of them!

You betcha! Yesterday I took the day off and spent it with my wife in honor of her birthday. Meanwhile, the blog I put up yesterday was number 500. This is the subject I’ve cobbled together for you on this Friday, April 24, 2009. Most of my blogs take at least one hour to write, edit, find and attach graphics, and then publish. To have done 500 hours or more of work on this blogging adventure would be the equivalent of nearly 21 twenty-four hour days. I believe my wife’s grandparents on her mother’s side received a personal congratulatory note from President Carter when they celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary. I know that’s quite an accomplishment but think about it, 500 fact filled electronic images covering a multitude of subjects and not even a peep out of the White House or for that matter, the out house either.

First, last, and always I should be thankful to God because He has allowed me to continue breathing air on the planet since that first blog was written and published on May 9, 2007. And while I am the first to admit the materials are highly questionable on most days in terms of their quality or usefulness, He also deserves the praise for me being able to squeeze and string some sentences together out of my limited pool of gray cells. I am almost sure there are some who think I ran out of stuff to write about a long time ago but I kept doing it anyway. It’s kind of like a guy I worked with once who retired from the company a long time before he left. I will readily admit that on many days I draw a blank and I am at a loss as to what I might write about, however, I’ve never let that keep me from throwing stuff out there!

I do know this. It has been one of the most enjoyable things I’ve done in recent years. I have gotten comments from time to time that let me know how that occasionally I have brought a smile, a laugh out loud or actually provided useful information, hit a nerve, and even some have said they have shed a tear or two. No, it’s not what you are thinking. It wasn’t because of how bad it was, it was the subject that touched their heart. Words convey thoughts, ideas, and communicate feelings. That’s why I am thankful for having started this journey and in being able to share “the view from here” with you out there. I’m sure there’s a psychiatrist out there somewhere who could read all of these and conclude that I am a very disturbed person. Bingo! Why would I want to pay someone to find out what we all already know! I would love to say the best is yet to come but that would be a promise I could never imagine being able to keep. Thanks for hanging in there with me and may God bless us all as we slip and slide our way forward on the often bumpy road of life. Amen. 500 and counting with: …..More later.

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