Thursday, November 13, 2008

When even your dreams become dreary, it's time to change the subject!

Please join in and follow along as I tiptoe through the tulips on this Thursday, November 13, 2008. I know those who delve into deep psychological study have come up with all kinds of notions and ideas about dreams and the meanings they may represent. I’m not able to sort these all out but I do know I am a nighttime dreamer. Some folks say they rarely, if ever, dream, or at least they have no conscious recollection of doing so. That’s certainly not the way it works with me because I am wired up to be a dreamer and I’ve always been one, or at least, as far back as I can remember I’ve been one. For me it is a night and day situation but the day deal is a subject that will have to wait. At one time I had read quite a bit on the subject but can’t recall all the different theories at this time. I do seem to recollect that many believe our dreams are in one way or another connected to us trying to subconsciously work out issues and problems in our conscious life.

Hey, that may be true because last Saturday night after having spent ten hours on a roof chipping away at old shingles, I dreamed about slipping and falling all night long. By the way, I did quite a lot of slipping and sliding during the day Saturday and it turned out to be a really good test of my recent knee surgery. I am most happy to report I came through pretty good and other than some residual soreness I might soon be ready to say the doctor did a good job. At any rate, I suppose I was working out in my dreams the times when I thought I might not be able to stop the slide and what might happen if I landed on the ground, OR maybe it was the fact that chipping, slipping, and sliding had pretty much been turned on and I could not, by bedtime, find the cut off switch. Just like when you have been out on a boat all day and everything still moves around you even after you return to shore.

I will confess that most of my dreaming since childhood has been primarily focused on escape to places all over the world, or joining an event from the Bible, or being witness to a significant historical event from the past. Please don’t send me some terrible analysis that says this is a sign of being whacko, because I already know that! Lately, however, my dream world has been taken over by the press of business, the seemingly endless array of details, and all of the above as it relates to the housing project, the job situation, the economy, the future, retirement, and to tell the truth, I rather enjoyed the other type of dreaming a whole lot more. I get the idea that maybe I’m trying to operate a huge network but on my end I only have one instrument and it’s one of the old fashioned phones with a rotary dial. In other words, my personal breaker box is way too small for the dozens of high-powered circuits required to keep everything up and running as it should. At least I recognize it. I believe in the self-help world that’s the first step to making progress. Maybe tonight I’ll go back and enjoy that wonderful festival on the day King Solomon dedicated the Temple in Jerusalem. I’ve always loved that account and can only imagine, (or dream), what it would have been like to have been there. You can read all about it in II Chronicles. We may have stepped on a couple of tulips today but we always can look forward to doing better next time. Until then, may God bless and keep you all. Amen. ….More later.

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