Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Some are happy, some are sad, some continue to trust in the Lord their God!

It's the morning after on this Wednesday, November 5, 2008. Just over 62 million are taking a victory lap while some 55 million plus are licking their wounds but in the end, we are all still Americans privileged to live in this great nation given to us by the grace of God. While I have very few issues that I know of where I would agree with our soon to be sworn in 44th president, I will pray for him as we are directed to do in The Scriptures. He comes to this great accomplishment at the hand of Almighty God who is at work in people's lives and in the unfolding of all events in history. God is in control. Many come up with all kinds of ways to portray this as something other than what it is. God is in control. Proverbs 21:1 puts it this way: The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes. Therefore, while blue states exult in their great win we who know the truth can say just like we said when any other president has been elected: God is in control. Lest one think this is an isolated statement, I would encourage any and all to read God's Holy Word where detail after detail indicates God's sovereign control over the affairs of His creation including the elevation of individuals and the deposing of others. You just have to look in the book!

I would not take anything away from this man's single achievement as one who pursued what could only happen in America. He and his campaign have given their all and then some in pursuit of this outcome. It is historic in that we have witnessed our country's election of the first African American as President of the United States. I have said before and continue to take pride in the fact that I have voted for an African American for President before Barak Obama was even on the radar screen. I voted previously for Dr. Alan Keyes who reflects the heart and soul of true conservatism on many levels. Dr. Keyes reflected to me at the time I voted for him our founder's vision for what it meant to be one nation under God. Sadly, most of the reasons that compelled me to vote for Dr. Keyes are absent from this campaign cycle, and even sadder, from both of the major party tickets. But we as Americans, we as conservative, God fearing believers, will get up and continue to be who we are in Christ, and with God's help we will do what we can to continue to live out our lives in a way that reflects Him and His truth to our fellow citizens regardless of their race, color, status, or political affiliation. This is our calling and our privilege.

Looking at the entirety of the situation makes those of us who are conservatives realize that it could have been much worse. Given the calamitous events that have taken place regarding the economy over the past several months we should be thankful it didn't turn out to be a total wipe out which would have left us with very little voice and even less influence than we will have. Yes, we will be outnumbered and the new president will have a majority of both houses, but there will be enough of a conservative influence to help shape the outcomes of much of the anticipated legislation that will be forth coming. For this I am thankful. For living in this great land I am thankful. The fact that we have a country where people can go and vote their conscience and openly oppose those things we think to be wrong is a blessing we should never take for granted. And, if you are one of those who are down trodden and heart broken this morning, remember first and foremost to put your faith in the Lord God who rules heaven and earth, and to take hope because there is a replay scheduled in 2012! Have a blessed day and may our great God bless our great country! Amen. .....More later.

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