Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Remembering to remember!

It is Tuesday, November 11, 2008, Veteran’s Day, and we all pause to pay tribute to those whose blood was shed and lives were given in the service of our country. They are remembered today along side any and all who have served the cause of freedom by wearing the uniform of our nation. The arguments pro and con regarding the concept of what constitutes a justified war will no doubt outlive us all, but to the individual who dons the uniform and obeys the orders, their world of service is defined by duty, honor, and love of country. No one would ever take pleasure in seeing our soldiers suffer and die without it being absolutely necessary. However, no system is perfect and imperfect people make decisions that call for our finest to respond to defend and protect the vital interests of our families, our children, and our nation.

Revisionist viewpoints will always chip away at the processes that led to the risking of our military in times where threats and dangers were thought to be present. Much of this hindsight sees the many flaws that occur in our form of government. Yet, the one thing that stands firm is the commitment and resolve of those who do sign on the dotted line, and who carry the rifles, and salute the flag. These men and women not only reflect the great traditions of our country, but they also bring it to life in their own service. The November prayer list from our local congregation includes the names of seventeen individuals serving in our country’s military that are in one way or another connected to our members. These individual officers and enlisted personnel serve literally all over the world, many of whom remain in harm’s way even as I write this blog.

It is appropriate for these to have their own distinguished place on a list we pray over before our great God. I personally know several on this list and they are where they are doing what they do because they answered our government’s call to serve. At the same time we should be the first to recognize those who have served in the past, especially those who did pay that ultimate price for liberty. They left behind family and often-young families as they laid down their lives for us and for our way of life. We hear people talk about how the numbers killed today is serious but relatively low compared to previous times of conflict. May each of us on this day seriously consider the impact on a young wife, or a mom, dad, brother, sister, or child when that life so precious to them is suddenly taken away. May their memories live on and their sacrifice not go unheeded as we thank God for their willingness to continue that legacy of those who serve to defend us all, and may we seek God’s special comfort and blessings upon those they have left behind. May God bless each veteran and their families and may God bless America! Amen. ....More later.

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