Wednesday, November 21, 2007

You Can Tell By The Smell, Um-Um-Good!!!

By God’s grace we are all planning to meet together tomorrow for our annual family Thanksgiving. If all are well and able to show up there will be twenty of us meeting over at our eldest son’s home and each family will be bringing different items to help make it a special day. There is a reason we can enjoy remembering these great occasions from the past even as we prepare for the day. I believe it to be our family traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation.

This year we will be having smoked turkey and ham, Granny Mac’s and my Mom’s signature cornbread dressing, hen and dumplings, along with a variety of side dishes such as English peas, made from scratch macaroni and cheese, red beans and rice (we have one girl who loves this dish) bean casserole, cranberry sauce and a number of finger foods. The dessert menu will have pecan and pumpkin pies, a sweet potato pie with marshmallow topping, a cake or two, and a variety of cookies. It will be a feast of food, family, and fellowship.

Very early tomorrow morning my wife will be up finishing the cornbread dressing and dumplings and other dishes. The smells will fill our home and in my mind’s eye I will see my Granny Mac standing over her stove, or my mom stirring one of her special dishes, or my wife’s mom preparing her dumplings. The smells are the same and the memories are sweet. Why? Because part of the thankfulness is in recalling our heritage from years gone by.

I often hear Emeril Lagasse on the Food Network say if they had smell-o-vision you wouldn’t be able to stand it because the aroma of the food is so great. Well, let me just say I’m looking forward to those smells that have been a part of my life since childhood and they will be better than smell-o-vision because they will transport me like a time machine through many special gatherings at thanksgiving time.

Your meal may be different. You may be having stuffing because that’s what your family always had. You may cook your turnkey in the oven because that’s your tradition. And the list could go on and on. It could include foods I’ve never even thought about eating but they belong to you and your family and they belong on your table because the entire celebration includes tradition and to me that’s what makes it such a special time.

Just writing this blog has stirred my appetite and I thank God for our being able to plan a day of family gathering where kids will be running here and there, the noise will be deafening at times, laughing will be heard from various quarters, and the time spent feasting and fellowshipping will be priceless. Before we have a meal we will all press together into the dining and kitchen area to share a prayer of thanksgiving to God for providing all that we have, and for giving us the privilege of enjoying our time together.

Some don’t care for traditions but they are treasures to me and I hope and pray they will be carried on after my wife and I pass on to our reward. After all is said and done, those who preceded us are the ones who handed down the traditions we enjoy today. Have a wonderful and blessed THANKSGIVING! May God bless. Amen.…..More later.

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