Friday, November 16, 2007

We May Well Be Surprised!

We here in the western world are easily led into building our understanding of things like history through the visual images we are shown. I remember many years ago our family took my wife’s parents to Austin for a weekend trip. We had a wonderful time touring all the museums and other sites like the LBJ Library and things like that. One of the things that really struck me was a mural in the Texas state capitol of the battle of the Alamo. It was a huge work of art that covered an entire wall. However, I was shocked to see John Wayne’s image with his musket raised over his head as the Mexican Army surrounded him. I may not be that bright but I do know that we have preserved images of David Crockett. But there was the Davy we all know and love, none other than John Wayne, larger than life, in all his glory! I wonder how many people think of this image when they hear the name Davy Crockett?

Think about how that certain images have saturated our perception. We do not have a clue as to what the real Moses looked like from the Bible, yet many people have Charlton Heston’s portrayal of him in the Ten Commandments movie firmly fixed in their mind. I’m a real fan of Charlton Heston and I have enjoyed his movies over the years but I have no idea if he favors the real Moses in any way whatsoever. I tell people that we might well be disappointed if we could go back and see the actual parting of the Red Sea. Why? There would have been no kettle drums, french horns, and violins to build and accompany this mind boggling miracle. I’m being facetious but I think you may be getting my point.

This can be a more serious thing than one might think. Hollywood portrays the “good life” as lived by the people who are called celebrities. This life of glamor and luxury is splattered everywhere you look, on television, in the movies, in magazines, on billboards, and newspapers. Do these people really represent the good life of the so called rich and famous? Not if God’s word is to be believed because the reality is that most of these folks if not all are living lives of debauchery and rebellion against the God who loves them enough to send His Son to die for them. Sure, we get bits and pieces of their drug infested, hopeless, and psychotic realities from time to time, but overall the picture remains one fixed in the minds of our children: To be able to be a part of this scene would be a dream come true.

A few years ago scholars set out to put together a composite view of what the man Jesus may have looked like had He been a normal looking Jewish male from the time period in which He lived. The Bible does say there was nothing about his physical appearance that would have drawn people to Him. Several millions of dollars were spent doing research into engravings, paintings, and historical descriptions from that era. The composite they came up with was nothing like we had seen before. Why? Primarily, it was because the image they put forth did not match those planted in our minds. I was very interested in this project and when the composite came out I copied it and put it into one of my Bible study handouts. This created quite a stir as people tried to make sense out of this portrayal versus the images they had fixed in their minds.

Am I trying to be a kill joy? Not hardly. I happen to love history and I love historical period pieces that are done with meticulous respect for accuracy and minute detail. However, truth is always the best lens through which to evaluate and come to clarity in our understanding. I told my class that day that I hoped they would not be disappointed when they came face to face with Jesus because He might not look like the blue eyed Hollywood portrayal. Of course no believer will be disappointed when they see Jesus but I thought this topic might give us all something to think about over the weekend. Have a great one and Lord willing and the Creeks don’t rise, (Creek Indian Nation to be historically accurate), I’ll be back on Monday with something new off the top of my head. May God bless you all. ….More later.

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