Tuesday, November 27, 2007

No Peace Without the Prince of Peace!

A little personal commentary on current events to get your day started:

The Bible does give a special recognition to those who are peace makers. However, as we look at the huge conference that will be taking place today in Annapolis, Maryland, we can’t help but be reminded of the Scriptures that speak directly to the issues involved in this conflict. It does not take a Bible scholar to browse the historical context of Israel’s restoration as a nation in 1948 and how this conflict has existed from Old Testament times. Yes, you have to go all the way back to Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac to see where all this began.

However, some even within the evangelical world have an idea that God no longer is interested in what happens to the Jewish people and Jerusalem since He is now focused on believers and the Church established by our Savior. I’ve read the same passages they use and it is beyond me how anyone could come up with this as being the truth about God’s plan and purpose going forward.

I applaud those who try to bring peace to these war torn people but I also realize that according to thus says the word of the Lord, there can be no genuine peace without the Prince of Peace. Therefore, while I hope there will be some cessation of hostilities and other accords that come from this conference, I do not see any lasting peace until the return of our Savior to the Mount of Olives as predicted in the Bible. He will usher in a time of peace that will be established based on His perfect rule and reign. Until then we may see many efforts expended and many conferences held, but lasting peace is found only in a Person.

If you look at the map and compare the size of the land mass of what makes up Israel today it is startling how this small nation can somehow be so critical in world affairs. I challenge anyone anywhere to observe the daily reporting of news from major sources and to keep up with developments reported from this far away place. It dominates international news. They tell us that hatred for the Jewish people is on the rise again, especially in Europe. One would think that after the horrors of the Holocaust this would be impossible but I believe this too to be reflective of the biblical teachings regarding God’s chosen people.

I am not one of those who blindly supports Israel in all their deeds. I support the nation as founded by God Himself and believe that one day every acre of territory given to Israel by God who owns all of the earth will be realized, period, end of story. Okay, call me narrow minded, one of those old fashioned bible thumpers, or perhaps one who has his head in the sand. That’s okay because as the southern gospel song puts it, “I read the back of the book and we win!”

All I am saying is that we must always look to God as the provider of the peace that we all desire to experience. His peace comes only through His Son who came, lived a sinless life, died as our substitute, and was resurrected in power and glory that we who believe in Him might have the peace that surpasses all understanding, not based on worldly devised peace agreements, but based on His presence in our hearts and His power in us to live each day in a way that reflects honor and glory back to the Prince of Peace! Amen. …..More later.

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