Friday, November 30, 2007

So Foggy You Can't See Ten Feet In Front Of You, But It's Still A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood!

Amazing! I haven't seen fog like today in many years. No brilliant stars and moon lighting the way today. And, I did have a couple of near misses getting to my workplace this morning. Seems that many folks are not able even to stay in their lanes when it is socked in like it is today. But I am very thankful to have arrived here safely and have prayed for my boys, their families, and so many others who are yet to get out on the roads.

One of the craziest fog stories happened to me a number of years ago. I was shuttling up to Chicago every other week for an eighteen month project and one day I woke up to fog just like it is today. I took one of the toll roads to gain access to the airport that morning and couldn't believe what was going on. Once I got into the traffic I found that while no one could see, everyone was driving between 65 and 70 miles per hour. Once you were in a lane surrounded you had no choice but to blindly drive realizing that at any moment a calamity could occur. I was never so happy to see my exit come up!

This was bad but not as bad as my Pennsylvania Turnpike experience. It was in the late 1970's and I had flown into Philadelphia, rented a car to drive out to a conference being hosted in King of Prussia which is near Valley Forge. The only car they had was a Chevy Camaro. I finally made my way out of town and onto the turnpike. This was the age whenever the big deal was CB radios, especially used by truckers. I was quietly minding my own business whenever an 18 wheeler abruptly pulled around me at a high rate of speed and then immediately pulled back in front of me. Suddenly, I noticed another 18 wheeler was on top of my bumper. I was essentially locked in and the two truckers had seen me with my suit and tie on and I guess they had decided to have some fun. They were most likely jawing forth and back and having a ball at my expense. We approached speeds of 100 miles per hour and I was locked between these two trucks with no visibility at all. I surely felt like I was trapped in a Twilight Zone rerun. After what seemed like an eternity to me which most likely was not more than ten minutes they must have tired of playing cat and mouse and they moved over and went on their way after sounding their horns as a final goodbye. I was pretty shaken up and very happy to see the King of Prussia exit sign.

When you think about it life is made up of a string of near misses and we can find ourselves being defined by the circumstances we are in. It reminds me of the story of Elijah in the Bible. God used him to work a great miracle in calling down fire from heaven to destroy a bunch of pagan prophets. Yet, within hours Elijah was on the run and desperate because Queen Jezebel had pledged to see him dead. He finally found a cave to hide in and was in a total depressed funk. Talk about going from a mountain top experience (literally) to a deep dark valley within hours, this is where Elijah found himself. I've been there, done that, and perhaps you have also. The wonderful thing about this biblical account is that while Elijah fell apart God was still with him. Elijah allowed his circumstances and his own feelings to define his identity and God had to reveal to him that He had never left him throughout his ordeal. Read about it for yourself in 1st Kings, chapter 18 and 19.

Yesterday morning it was so lovely it took my breath away. Today it was downright scary because you just couldn't see up ahead and I was concerned about other folks and where I drive the deer and the coyote do in fact, still roam. However, the fog doesn't make today a lesser day because God is still on His throne and I still belong to Him and He is going to be with me and that's why this is still a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Amen. .....more later.

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