Thursday, May 21, 2020

I do try to see the best in others but tell me, why do some seem to spend all their time making that impossible?

Good morning. It is Thursday, May 21, 2020, and I will tell you this about that. We had a 100 degree reading out on our porch sensor this past Tuesday. Really? To make it seem even warmer, we had lost power for 15 minutes. When that happens I typically turn off the central air so that it will not be subjected to a power surge. The power failed around 11 a.m. About 2 p.m. it became somewhat uncomfortable and I remembered I had not turned the air back on. I think maybe the so-called senior moments have turned into half-hour segments. The other day I couldn't find my truck keys. When that happens I typically want to know who used my keys. You know. It's standard knee jerk protocol.  I frantically looked for them because I ALWAYS put them in my left side pocket. ALWAYS! I looked here and there, opening draws, cabinets, and even through the dirty clothes. As the old saying goes, "You always find what you lost the last place you look." For me, it turned out to be my right side pocket. Maybe my brain wiring misfired and suddenly I thought the things on the left should be on the right. Maybe. The other side of the coin is when you find something you haven't lost but you are not sure what it is or why you have it. Paw Paw used to tell me that I had trouble concentrating. He said, "Son, you wake up in a new world every minute." Hello there and welcome to my world.

Facebook came out recently with a new Avatar feature. It takes your photo and transforms it into a caricature or avatar. It has taken the Facebook community by storm. Typically, the transformed image does not clearly depict the before photo. Many times, the transformed image is very flattering as in the example above. I have not used the feature and I know folks are just having fun with it, however, it didn't keep me from doing my own parody of the hoopla going on.

That was my stab at doing my own avatar transformation. Here's the caption I used when I posted it on my Facebook page: "Nearly everyone has gone crazy over the new FB avatar feature. Some obviously work better than others." Let's face it, pun intended, to me, reality is always much funnier than made up stories.

I read one fellow's comments on a serial selfie poster. "Lady, you need to get real. You are not a model. You are just someone who has a really good smartphone with an app that does 57 different photo adjustments." We live in a society that puts a premium on looks as defined by society. They make the rules as to what constitutes attractiveness and the impact, sadly, starts with children at a very young age. We all, at one time or another, have wanted to look better and perhaps have used one of society's images as our target. There are those who have flat out rejected any and all of these pretenses. My thought is we all should do the best we can with what has been given to us. The late great Pastor/Teacher Dr. Adrian Rogers used to talk about the questions he received regarding ladies wearing makeup. Should they or should they not? He said his view was that even an old barn needed a coat of paint occasionally. I at times amuse myself when I receive laudatory comments about my portrayal of the Santa Claus character. Think about it. If Santa is recognized and if in that portrayal a little kid is given a moment of joy, well, that my friend is worth more to me than a hundred pats on the back for a job well done. "You are the best Santa I have ever seen." Thank you, but, I am not Santa. He is the fellow I become when I don the uniform. Don't get me wrong. It's better to hear I'm a good Santa as opposed to this one, "I don't know what is wrong with you. He has never been scared of Santa before." See what I mean? Life can be funny. Try to laugh along with it. Until next time, my God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.

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