Tuesday, May 5, 2020

I am thankful that I still feel motivated to continue to honor my mother and father even though they have gone on to their reward.

Good morning and welcome. It is Tuesday, May 5, 2020. This past Sunday was my mom's birthday. For those who may not have seen my posting on Facebook, I wanted to share it in my blog. ~ Paying tribute to my beloved mother who was born on this day in 1924. She left this life to be in the presence of the Lord back in May of 2017. (2nd Corinthians 5:8) Today I mirror the sentiment of Proverbs 31 in honoring my remarkable mom who gave so much for me. ~

I read one posting that said they looked out the window and saw a group on the roadway jogging. It was inspiring. So much so, it caused them to get up out of their chair and close the blinds. I saw another one where the fellow was leaning out of his vehicle with a roll of toilet paper in his hand and he was saying this, "Now officer, are you sure I was speeding?" One of the outcomes for the little ones is how they no longer want to play school at home. Someone said one thing coming out of the quarantine may be a huge surge in the number of folks who have learned how to cook. The number one social distancing issue for me has been staying at least six feet away from the refrigerator. Still feeling good about how your pajamas fit may set you up for a huge surprise when you finally put your jeans on again. A weekly update on the homeschooling front reported several students suspended for fighting, and one teacher fired for drinking on the job. One guy posted that he had seen his neighbor lady talking to her cat and she acted like the cat understood. He thought maybe she was a little loony so he came into his house and told his dog and they both had a good laugh. One lady is still upset with her third-grader. After the second week of the mom doing her best to homeschool, she finds out her daughter has called in a bomb threat. I heard one guy saying he's not going back to shaking anyone's hands until he knows everyone has toilet paper. And, finally, the socks were talking as they went into the dryer. "It's critical we stay together. I heard our buddy didn't and he ended up being used as toilet paper."

I read where the big mall out in our area will be opening back up next Tuesday. It will do so with many restrictions. I'm not sure if and when the mall walkers will be permitted to return but it is something we need to restart when we can. We, the wife and I have been reminded several times that just because stuff is opening it doesn't mean we are compelled to go. Anywhere. We can continue to stay put if that is what we decide to do. You can too. If you like having your groceries delivered, nothing is keeping you from continuing. If you feel comfortable doing a realtime video for your medical needs and that allows you to stay home, keep at it. We are free to make decisions that are best for us. I am trying to follow a cautious and well-reasoned approach. I do know my life partner, well, she is chomping at the bit to get going. As in, she has places to go and people to see. Hopefully, we will be able to find a balance. I did see a handful of good old boys down at the practice field near our home. They were gathering for softball practice. Most of them had their tummies way over their belts. No protective masks and the way they were congregated they obviously had not gotten the memo on social distancing. Here again, people will have to make up their own minds. I will. You will. We all will. Have a great rest of the day and may God add His blessings. Amen. ....More later.

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