Friday, August 30, 2019

Happy Birthday Sister-in-law Dorothy!

Good morning and welcome to Friday, August 30, 2019. It's a Happy Birthday to The Wife's twin sister, Dorothy, who is 18 months older than the wife. They are called 'twins' because they are so much alike and they both reflect what it means to do their best to be Proverbs 31 ladies. If you are unaware of what a Proverbs 31 woman is, go and read that chapter, and you will not miss the description given. We've been doing life together with Dorothy since the early 1960s, and, we thank God for her, her family, her many areas of serving, and for the testimony she lives out in her daily walk. I know many who think I have been one lucky fellow to have found the wife I have and the family I married into. (Just so you know, my mom thought they were blessed to have me.) Being people of faith means we don't believe in luck, but, we do believe in God's providence, therefore, we thank Him and praise Him for all He has done in our lives. Happy Birthday, sister-in-law, and may God continue to bless. Amen.

I haven't changed my opinion about these girls over the long haul. Here is a blog from six years ago on Dorothy's birthday: ~ FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 2013 “It's okay to look back at the past - just don't spend too much time staring at it.” (adapted from an anonymous source)
The famous farm girl Rawles Twins, born 18 months apart.
Today is the get ready to rumble day as many prepare for the upcoming three day weekend. It is Friday, August 30, 2013, and folks are ready for the last fling of the waning summertime, the Labor Day Holiday. Today I want to send a special birthday greeting to my wife's sister, Dorothy. You might remember her. She and my wife, Marilyn, are pretty near joined at the hip, having been born as almost identical twins, eighteen months apart. That photo reminds me of their nicknames, Dot and Lil Bit. I got started with this family over fifty years ago and I can say without equivocation that Dorothy is the real deal, a living breathing example of the Proverbs 31 woman. She and her late husband Charles built a testimony of serving the Lord in many different ministries over their long time together. We pause to thank God for Dorothy and all that she has done for our family and for the advancement of the kingdom. Amen.

As many of you read today's episode, I am well on my way to meet the wife and her family over in Winnsboro, Louisiana to attend the memorial service for her uncle, Jessie Rawles. Uncle Jessie was 79 years old and mercifully went on to his reward after discovering that he was suffering from stage 4 cancer. He was retired from the United States Air Force and quite a character. He had a quick wit and could flash a smile that would light up a room. The two girls mentioned in the preceding paragraph will be singing at their uncle's home going celebration. They have done that for many family members over the years. That too is a part of the legacy we have been blessed with. I ask that your prayers for Uncle Jessie's family as they deal with this loss.

Thanks for hanging in there with me this week. Enjoy your Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday, and the Labor Day Holiday on Monday. I will do my best to catch up with you real soon. No. That's not a threat, it's a promise. May God bring comfort to each hurting heart and may He help us all. Amen.   ....More later. ~

I think that said it pretty well back in 2013. See you next go round and may God bless. Amen.

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