Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Did I miss something, or what?

I should be able to say I'm back in the saddle again, but, I think it might be best to wait a little while to announce anything that strong. Good morning. Welcome. Today is Tuesday, August 27, 2019, and, I saw an ad pop up on Facebook that really caught my attention. You may see it differently, but, to me, the photo in the ad is kind of scary. Is that lady trying to jump? I can't imagine the folks who put this up would invite anyone to climb out on the ledge and let their legs dangle over the edge. I know the price is supposed to be the star, but, to me, this is a terrible ad. I sure hope that fellow had a good grip. I cannot see the wife and I repeating this feat, therefore, I end up being very uninterested. That's how it hit me. My point in sharing it was to show how different others might see the same image. I started to crop out the information at the bottom and add a caption saying: Please don't jump! That's my take, what say you?

On our recent getaway trip, I can tell you that while Colorado and New Mexico are huge tourist targets, (we counted many different state license plates on our walk one morning), this does not mean that everyone who lives in those high traffic areas are doing well. We saw many folks who appear to be barely getting by. Or worse. I know these states are home to many who love the outdoors and champion living in somewhat primitive conditions. While that is true, some of what we saw resembled squalor. Many of those we saw on the streets appeared to be hardened by the sun and struggling to take care of themselves. While we were busy being awed by the beauty of God's majestic handiwork, many of those living in those calendar worthy images appeared to be in need of a good meal and perhaps a place to live. Sad. In the midst of hotels, attractions, and all kinds of craft shops where things cost a lot, all these people walk by with that hopeless far away look in their eyes. Think about it. This is the reality of almost every situation, everywhere, the behind the scenes reality. I don't have a solution, and it sounds like a cop out, but, people really do need the Lord. Amen.

Speaking of the craft shops or the knick-knack joints, while we were in Taos, New Mexico, we happened upon this area built like a town square. There was a covered pavilion in the middle surrounded by all kinds of those type of merchandising enterprises. The pavilion had park benches. I suppose those were provided for husbands. Waiting. That's where I stayed while The Wife went door to door. You know. Similar to the Jehovah Witnesses. It reminded me of a story told by a Canadian comedian we listened to while traveling. The Wife called it up on YouTube and played it through the car radio system. It seems this fellow and his lady happened upon what one might call Knick-Knack Heaven. She had to go there. He tagged along. While in the shop he was walking up and down and a lady came up to him and cheerfully asked, "What she could help him buy today?" He thought about it for a moment and said, "Well, I really like this wicker boat but I'm also drawn to this stained glass hammer." He continued, "I'm torn. On the one hand I love boats, but, on the other, I have this compelling urge right now to hit you with something!" I thought about that little piece of observational humor as I sat there reading the obituaries in the local Taos newspaper. Yep. That's my story and until further notice, I'm sticking to it. May God help us all. Amen. .....More later.

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