Tuesday, July 31, 2018

“Texas…was evidently the only place in the known universe, including Louisiana, that actually got hotter after the sun went down.” ― Kathleen Kent, from her book, 'The Dime'

Good morning, you have caught up with me just I am seriously looking forward to maybe a rain shower or two over the next two days. Wait just a minute. Wasn't it just three weeks ago when folks were complaining about how the rain was interfering with their leisure plans? You betcha! That's pretty much how we all roll, however, regardless of how fickle and what was said earlier, we do need the rain. We really do. If nothing else, just to cool things off a little. This is Tuesday, the last day of July, the 31st, here in this year that has whizzed by, that being 2018. I think all the local weather people have just about run out of their funny little heat-related cartoons to illustrate the temps we've been experiencing. Insufferably hot. I'm not altogether sure what that means but I wanted to use the word 'insufferably', so there you have it. I will give you a hint. I'm pretty sure it has to do with something that is intolerable and/or unbearable. That may be a wee bit of an overreach, however, combine the heat with that dust floating in from Africa, and you end up closing in on that word. We happen to live in the most air-conditioned section of our nation. The heat can be a killer. I was working in Chicago on a consulting project back in the summer of 1995 when that area experienced an extended run of extremely hot weather. Some 739 people died as a result. They had to bring in refrigerated trailers to store bodies. Many of those who died were elderly who lived without air-conditioning. They would go to bed at night and die in their sleep. The other day I sent a thank you email to the technician who installed our new A/C and Heating system. He said it would do the job. It has. He said it would lower our utility costs. It has. He is a young fellow who has a good testimony for the Lord. We thank God for him and the system that has helped us through these seriously hot days. Amen.

I have my set routine in getting ready to get ready each day. Last week while the wife was away I put the lights on and more or less noisily crashed my typical routine. That's right. Usually, I do my best to be as quiet as I can while she is sleeping and only wake her up long enough to give her a kiss, tell her I love her, and that I will see her later, Lord willing. I enjoyed not having to be so careful while she was away. HOWEVER, I will be glad to tip-toe around until the cows come home compared to her being gone. One of the captions I shared on my Facebook page said this, "The world is back on its axis because the wife has come home." I slept well while she was gone. I slept much better after she returned. At the local fellowship where we attend, we are acquainted with many who are up in years but they now go about each day as a widow or widower. Many of these folks remain committed to their spouses who have gone on to their reward. They speak lovingly of their wives or husbands. They can get up each morning and sing as loudly as they want to. They can kick the covers back and turn all the lights on. Yet, they do look forward to that day when they will be reunited with their dearly beloved. One routine versus another routine. One based on freedom and the other based on love. My point? That we would be thankful for the routine of love that God has given to us through the companion He has provided. Amen.

That's my story and since it is the truth as I know it, I think I will stick with it. You might remember the other day when she was away I had this to say in my blog, "I thank God for her, even if she, at times, drives me up the wall." Last Sunday, our new pastor was talking about his love for his wife. He said that she could make him madder than anyone else but he still wants to be around her. See? I'm not the only one. I don't have to guess if she has her own thoughts regarding some of my ways. In spite of this, we remain committed. To each other. Or, perhaps we should be committed. You know. To an institution. It's a joke. Don't get all bothered. Speaking of our new pastor, he preaches up a storm. He really does. That's not a metaphor. God's power indwells the message he brings because the message comes from God. When the man of God follows that as a pattern, God shows up. God speaks. God moves. The result? Hearts and lives are changed. Homes are put back together or strengthened. People's hopes are restored. And, some find for the first time what it means to be a child of the living God. While the feelings may be great, and the tears may be real, it is the testimony of changed lives that reflect upon how God is working. With that, I bring this day's visit to a close, this month's visits to a close, and I do so with a prayer for us all. May God help us to be faithful to Him in seeking to live out the life He has given to us in a way that is pleasing to Him. Amen. ....More later.

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