Monday, July 16, 2018

Article Title, 'Chicago Sun Times': "Warning: Too many warnings dilute the value of being warned."

Welcome back. We turn the page to today's chapter and find it designated as Monday, July 16, 2018. Facebook has brought new meaning to the sharing of warnings that may be real, imagined, or just hoaxes. These include something blatant, like: MISSLE INBOUND, Take Cover Immediately!; to all kinds of alerts regarding food products, soaps, and other items that if not responded to will shorten your lifespan. I know many folks share these out of concern. However, it would always be a good practice to check them out before they are posted. I read one the other day posted by a caring person warning people not to use shampoo while taking a shower. It appears that shampoo running down your body can do some kind of major damage. (I am aware of the debate about the chemicals contained in shampoo products, but, these dire warnings seem over the top. To me.) Add to these all the weather-related bulletins, the endless postings warning about web-based viruses and threats posed by hackers, the latest plagues being experienced throughout the land, and a host of other warnings concerning maladies of all kinds, and, is it any wonder folks stay uptight all the time? As I said, so often things are posted, reposted, and shared because the posting person involved is a respected friend. I will say this about it all. How did we ever make it back when we had almost none of these 24x7 warnings? Perhaps an even more surprising outcome, how did we live to be able to even talk about it?

I listened to some of the BBC's news coverage of President Trump's visit to the United Kingdom. They paraded out a number of former high up muckety mucks to talk about this event. My hearing of what was being said made it almost into a Monty Python sketch or at best, a comedic parody. It seems that what we have is this very sophisticated, complex, and nuanced world where one must have the requisite diplomatic skills to navigate, coordinate, and facilitate the multilateral interests that exist on this, our shared terrestrial ball. The point of all their high sounding nonsensical explanations was to portray President Trump as lacking in these sophisticated skills. As they were talking, I was thinking of the wonderful world of peace and tranquility these skilled commentators had brought to us by the use of their superior diplomacy. NOT! The embedded so-called deep state often referred to as 'the swamp' doesn't just exist here in our own governmental process, but, it is a worldwide phenomenon. They have their own language. This self-sustaining charade seeks to eliminate all threats, especially, from any and all who would speak truth to power. You know? These self-appointed emperors have no clothes, and it makes one wonder, why do we continue to fawn over their pronouncements? I will admit that at times I cringe at how President Trump interacts with other world leaders, HOWEVER, I'll take his non-political laying out of reality any day over the utopian mumbo-jumbo that seems to dominate world affairs. Just me. It's called an opinion. Mine. If the American people wanted someone to continue operating in that rarified air of meaningless platitudes, well, they should have voted for the other candidate. I remind us all of how the sophisticated and nuanced world was aghast at President Reagan's calling Soviet Russia the Evil Empire. But, the Wall came down! Things for us all to ponder.

If you are not familiar with my blog because I do get hits from across the globe as unsuspecting folks land on it from time to time, I want to share what I am all about and how this all got started.

~ May 9, 2007

Well, it took me over sixty years to get here and as Yogi Berra reportedly said, "You sure can observe a lot just by watching". That observation stuff, however, can be both good and bad especially if you are determined not to revise any of it, that is, if that's possible since reflections and memories over time tend to take on a life of their own as they all become fused together. Some days it's "Wow, I can't believe the life I have enjoyed!", while another day might be, "Hey, I'm not sure I can make one more day!". This is how it works in the so-called real world and we have trouble because the roller coaster ride can start without notice at anytime even right smack in the middle of one of those really great days and suddenly you find your heart pounding and breath interrupted by the crashing ride. Okay, maybe not quite that dramatic but with age, maturity, family, more family, relationships, issues, challenges, and chaos all around, it can be quite daunting.

However, I call this blog The View From Here because when it's all said and done, it's the way I see it. You most likely see it differently but that's what blogging is all about. We can speak from our viewpoint, our way of interpreting all the things we have to deal with, and in general, the viewfinder through which we see the world, and especially our world.

One final thought in this opening monologue: I know that without God as the foundation of my life through my identity with His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, there would be little hope in all the ups and downs encountered in this journey called life.~

Okay. That's my box of chocolates for today. Enjoy. Be thankful. Talk to God. See you next time and may God watch over us all. Amen. ....More later.

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