Friday, July 13, 2018

What next?

Yeah. Take a deep breath and bear with us, it will only be Friday, the 13th until 12 midnight, and then we can all go back to our regular doings of this, that, or the other. For 2018, this is the second and last Friday the 13th, the other one fell this past April. While we are not inclined to pay attention to the superstitions that surround this date, others seem to take it seriously. Every day is in God's hands. Period. End of story. I have seen several of the FIFA World Cup matches. That's right. I am an American and I do watch soccer. In fact, last Saturday's match between Russia and Croatia was one of the tensest and most well-contested competitions I've seen. The actual championship is coming up on Sunday, between France and Croatia. FIFA actually stands for Fédération Internationale de Football Association with the English translation as International Federation of Association Football. It defines itself as the international governing body of association football, futsal, and beach soccer. I mention this because they are not immune from the political correctness that is sweeping our world. Just this week, they put out an official request to the broadcast media asking them to refrain from showing so many beautiful women in the stands. Perhaps banning cheerleaders will be next. And, those commercials that run during their matches, what about censoring some of them? They could probably spend a lot more of their time investigating all the billions of dollars that seem to always be disappearing. That would be my throw-down recommendation.

I've always done my best to include encouragement for those who read what I write. I do so by sharing the truth as I know it. Here are some excerpts from a blog I wrote eleven years ago on July 13, 2007: "We really don’t know what each new day may bring. Some believe the Book of Job was preserved to help us deal with the sudden unexpected trials that come in life that literally take our breath away. Others believe it to be a fictional account written for instructive purposes but I actually believe it to be a real account of a real man facing real tragedies. I don’t think Job’s text was preserved primarily for us to compare our sufferings to his, and to somehow draw consolation from his being greater. I think there’s much more to Job’s great poem. Part of living in this sin-cursed world is its unpredictability. While having resources enough for food and clothing may distinguish us from those who starve to death each day, wealth, fame, and unlimited resources do not make anyone immune from hearing the doctor’s alarming report or receiving a fateful telephone call. Sure, resources may make it easier to respond but often the impact is the same especially in the event of a tragedy. We can’t know what each day will bring but we don’t have to wait to know the One who brings each day. Are there unanswered questions concerning tragedies and challenges from my own life? More than you might imagine. But as the lyrics to my granddad’s favorite song put it, 'Many things about tomorrow I can’t seem to understand, But I know who holds tomorrow, And I know who holds my hand'." Still true. Amen.

2018 meeting of NATO.
I watched President Trump's press conference following the meeting of the North American Treaty Organization, NATO. There were hundreds of journalists from all over the world in the room. He answered every question put to him. Unscripted. No teleprompters. In my opinion, agree with him or not, he did acquit himself very well on what was a world stage. I mention this only to bring up this point. He is not the dumbest man to ever walk on the face of the earth. In fact, he is not dumb at all. I thought I would mention this since the mainstream media would have us to believe that he is. He continues to prove he is not a politician in the traditional sense. He doesn't function in the expected ways that professional politicians do. While I did not support him as a candidate, once he achieved the nomination I did vote for him to be our President. With all of his good, bad, and ugly, his opponent made voting for him a no-brainer. I do not, to this day, agree with some of his ways, however, I am not ashamed to explain why I voted for him. His critics including those in the media would like for those who voted for him to be exploding with remorse. Again, given the choices before us, I have no remorse at all. Just so you know where I stand. You see it differently. That's okay. I support your privilege to do that even if I think you are wrong. I do think I've probably mangled enough participles to exceed my weekly quota, therefore, I will say so long for now. Enjoy your Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday, and I will do my best to catch back up with you, come next Monday. May God bless. Amen. ....More later.

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