Thursday, July 5, 2018

"Oh look, it's coffee o'clock!" ~ copied

Good morning and welcome. It's Thursday, July 5, 2018. I do hope you enjoyed your mid-week holiday celebration. When there is a news report that makes you feel good I think it best to share it. This is the case with the following report that's making the rounds on various news sites: "Coffee lovers rejoice! It turns out, your daily coffee fix could be saving your life. People who drink coffee, no matter how much or what kind, are less likely to die, according to a new report. The study surveyed about a half-million people in the United Kingdom aged 38 to 73. Over a 10-year period, the study shows people who drink two to three cups per day have about a 12 percent lower risk of death compared to non-coffee lovers. Even people who say they drink more than eight cups a day are less likely to die, on average, than non-drinkers. This is true for ALL coffee drinkers, even those who slowly metabolize caffeine." This will do until the one comes out saying the direct opposite. I have to confess that I identify more with the statement regarding those who drink more than 8 cups a day. I don't keep count but I believe that one would be closest to where I live. Yes. I am aware the study came from the UK, however, it's good news for the moment, so, let's just enjoy it. Thanks.

We weren't disappointed because of the 3 plus inches of rain at our place on the 4th. (We do sympathize with those who experienced flooding as a result of this rain event.) We hadn't made any plans. And, the wife was feeling poorly, so we did what my grandfather used to say, we mostly stayed laid up like a bunch of dogs. We spent a lot of time guarding our recliners. In case you are wondering, I did read every word of President Reagan's farewell address before I sent it out. I did the same with President Washington's. I've watched a number of programs devoted to the founding of our nation. One, in particular, traced the faith roots of those involved in the establishment of our country. To hear modern historians and those who want to wipe out any recognition of any religious inclination, our nation was founded by a bunch of slave-owning white guys whose main objective was to make themselves wealthy. Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth. Our founding was based in large part from the hearts and minds of people of faith. Go back, if you can find it, and check it out for yourself. Leader after leader expressing their desire for God to provide. Many were ministers of the Gospel. With the way things are going in our educational world, who knows what our great grandchildren will know about the role of faith in our founding. And, the wealthy part. Many were left penniless and saw their families decimated during the seven-year war. When I read the record I see one clear message: Faith in God and a willingness to sacrifice. Let us all do our best to make sure these truths are recognized and remembered. As a footnote, here is a summary of what we know happened in the lives of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence: "Five signers were captured by the British and brutally tortured as traitors. Nine fought in the War for Independence and died from wounds or from hardships they suffered. Two lost their sons in the Continental Army. Another two had sons captured. At least a dozen of the fifty-six had their homes pillaged and burned."
Were there flaws in our founders? I answer that from a Higher Authority, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) "The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) Of course, they were flawed. Every single one of them. Just like you. Just like me. Just like every person except for Jesus who has breathed air on the planet. At the same time, God used these flawed people to birth the nation that we are blessed to claim as our own. I'm not afraid to know the flaws of those we honor for their work in establishing our nation. Many of them owned slaves. Some today want them to be dismissed out of hand because of this one feature of their life. They would have us to believe they cannot be called great because they owned slaves. While we do not excuse anyone for anything they did that was wrong, at the same time, slavery was a part of the fabric of life in those times. Wrong. Yes. Here's one for you. They put into place the makings of a constitutional republic that would one day deal with that very issue. I don't dismiss any wrongdoing. We shouldn't. At the same time, I feel confident in recognizing people like George Washington and I have no problem calling him our founding father. I also believe he would have immediately pointed to Our Father who art in heaven as the true Founder. I say Amen to that. Have a great rest of the day Thursday and I'll catch back up with you tomorrow. Lord willing. Amen. ....More later.

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