Thursday, July 26, 2018

“First of all you must believe in yourself!” ~ Santa Claus’ psychologist.

It's Thursday, July 26, 2018, and I'm trying to make sense of it all as the day unfolds. I am a card-carrying member of the International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas (IBRBS). This is a paid membership organization that attempts to foster fellowship among the Santa community as we seek to enhance the Christmas spirit. Our organization had a big vote recently. The board of directors recommended the organization become expanded and more inclusive by allowing any and all Christmas performers to become members. We already allow Mrs. Clauses but this would have expanded the program to include all kinds of folks involved in professional Christmas entertainment. One of the biggest of the proposals debated for weeks leading up to the vote was whether we should allow fake bearded Santas to join. (Some of those beards cost as much as $3,000 or more.) Many of the 'real bearded dudes' had a huge problem with that one. They couldn't reconcile a fake beard with the very name of the organization. At any rate, the vote was in the affirmative at 61%, however, that did not meet the threshold set forth in the by-laws, therefore, we remain as we were. I voted to support the expansion because I really didn't care one way or the other. The board was elected. It was their recommendation to expand the reach of our organization. I think we have over 3,000 real bearded members at this time not counting the Mrs. Clauses that might have a few whiskers here and there. I suppose it's best that it worked out the way it did. I would not want the potential new fake bearded guys to be known as RBSINO, (Real Bearded Santa In Name Only).

I do apologize to those who do not have such exciting happenings in their sojourn here on the planet. Interestingly enough, but not surprising, many of those who opposed the proposed changes protested their opposition in comments that were not at all in keeping with the Christmas spirit. This lack of civility in tone and spirit was well pointed out by those who were offended by the harshness of some of the responses. Forth and back, back and forth. I only caught bits and pieces but it was interesting to observe the fervency of those holding such strong opinions. They get to have all of this fun for a $25 per year membership. The reason I continue to be a member is my learning from some of the information that other Santas pass on in the way of tips and some of their experiences. One thing I've noticed. Those who book Santas better keep their commitments and make sure that Santa is paid. If they don't it will be broadcast for all to see. And, sadly, Santa not getting paid for services rendered is a major issue. Really? It is. That's one reason we do our own booking and work with clients that we can trust. I am actively recruited by booking agents for Santa and Mrs. Claus appearances. Some of these are outside of our territory where they promise travel expenses and lodging. My response is always the same: "Why should we consider anything other than what we are doing? We have plenty of appearances and we work with some of the most wonderful people in the world." And, we don't have to pay a booking fee to an agent. In my opinion, even a fake bearded Santa could figure this one out.

I know much of the information about my Santa activities is not that interesting to most of those who read my blog each day. While I am aware of this situation, I still wanted everyone to know that being Santa is not just a tiptoe through the tinsel. I have agreed to volunteer our services for a school fundraiser. I figured maybe 3 hours at most. Hello? They are so happy we are willing to donate our time and their schedule for taking photos will be from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Do what? We did a similar deal last year for a school for half a day and we were overrun with kiddos. Elementary schools are like small cities these days. Does anyone know if the 5-Hour Energy comes in an IV offering? I did learn something. Find out the schedule before you agree to donate your time. It's for a good cause and I'm sure we will work in some rest breaks. Hopefully. I also thought about many of my Santa brothers who are engaged in Christmas in July activities. Many of them do outdoor festivals and things of that sort. Oh, my! Our nephew is a secret service agent and has most recently been involved in protecting some very high up folks in our government. His son, Jason, was recently visiting his grandparents, my brother Victor and his wife Maria, in the Houston area. He made a pancake to look like Santa and Maria told him she was going to send it to Santa. I received it and sent back a photo and a message telling him that I loved his portrayal of Santa. He then sent me the most precious video where he excitedly said, "I love you Santa!" I sent a message back telling them I was going to keep that video and play it for the encouragement it brings on those long hard days ahead. Thanks, Jason, you made Santa's day! I ask one more time, "Is this a great country, or what?" May God bless everyone and until we meet again, "Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!" ("A Visit from St. Nicholas" by Clement Clark Moore, (first published in 1823)) Amen.    .....More later.

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