Friday, May 25, 2018

Remembering and honoring those who died in active military service.

Welcome to the Friday before a three day weekend. It's the Memorial Day holiday and today is May 25, 2018. This holiday is defined to honor those who died in active military service. I've written many times about a couple of my high school buddies who went off to Vietnam and gave their lives there for a war about freedom and liberty. While the experts have dissected that war from every angle, the two fellows I'm thinking of went there for the right reason and gave up their lives as heroes. I do remember them. I remember us in class together. I remember us on the creek bank, fishing together. I remember us all being full of life and mischief. And, I remember their sacrifice. With tears. May God comfort the hearts of all those who recognize and grieve the loss of loved ones who paid the ultimate price while wearing the uniform of our country. Amen.

I've found that doctors know what they are talking about. I have actually verified their warnings. Often, the hard way. This new diabetic medication which replaced the other new diabetic medication (because of the 1% weight gain side effect), well, he told me that whatever I do I should make certain that I take the new new pill with food. He said it works differently than the one it replaced. I typically take my night medications at 8 p.m. I usually eat my supper around 5 p.m. I thought that would be close enough. I had gotten adjusted to the previous new pill that way. Well, well. Not so, grasshopper! I came in from Wednesday evening services and dutifully took my medications at my regular 8 p.m. schedule, including the new little pill. At 12:11 a.m., (Don't you love digital clocks?), I experienced the full impact of his warning. My blood sugar crashed and I felt like I was being pulled through a rat hole backward. Weebly and wobbly I got up, grabbed a handful of the candy therapy units and went to my recliner. I looked for a Coke but we didn't have any. I ate about five pieces of therapeutic sugar and began to feel my face again. That's why he is the doctor. He was right. Again. "It is very important with this medication that you take it with food." I didn't even think about thinking about waking 'you know who' because I would have had to explain my dilemma. Lesson learned.

I know. You have probably lost count by now of what reason number this one would be that you are glad that you are not me. I don't mind being an object lesson. Although, to be honest, I would have rathered it not have been quite so dramatic. I do give myself credit for knowing exactly what it was. I should have taken to heart the slogan we always shared with our ministry to inner-city kids, "Good clubbers always follow instructions." I admit it. I am a work in progress. Or, as the wife might say, a piece of work. I do hope you enjoy your holiday weekend. Think some of those who have given their lives while wearing the uniform of our country. Maybe say a prayer for those they left behind. The other evening the wife was given a jar of homemade mayhaw jelly. It had been made by a lady at our local fellowship. That immediately reminded me of one of my buddies who died in Vietnam. When we would come in from being out on the creek bank fishing all night, we would be dragging. His mom would whip up a batch of homemade cathead biscuits and serve them up with butter and mayhaw jelly. Yep. I remember. May God bless their memory and may He continue to bless the nation they died for. Amen.   ....More later.

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