Wednesday, May 9, 2018

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.” ― Pablo Picasso

Good morning and welcome. Today we will be participating in Wednesday, May 9, 2018. It does have an ending point, therefore, let's get out there and do the best we can with it. That was quoted from my own version of self-talk number forty-four. Just joking. But, it is good for us to be reminded about embracing the day the Lord has given to us. If we don't, we can end up with a case of the would haves, could haves, and should haves. Believe me, because of my natural procrastination inclinations, I've had to deal with those maladies way too many times. We have to live intentionally. The old adage is true. You can't get back the stone after it is thrown, or the word after it is said, or the occasion after it is missed, or the time after it is passed. Having intentions is a good thing. But, we all know they do not accomplish anything if they are not put into action. We all live with some amount of regret over things we wished we had done. "We often talked about going to see them but something always seemed to come up. Now we will have to wait until we see them in heaven." "That guy did so much for me, I wished I would have let him know while I had time." "I owed her an apology but the timing was never right. Now it's too late." "I sure hope someone let them know how much I really cared." Those came to mind and, yes, they most likely reflect some of my own personal experiences. I overheard a recent conversation regarding a serious business matter. It involved a good customer. The boss asked the employee if they had actually spoken to the individual involved. They had not. Only via texting and email. In frustration, the boss wondered out loud why we can't seem to talk to people anymore. And, that my friend, may be part of our problem. Sometimes a real hug, a real voice, a real hand makes all the difference in the world.

I not only was preaching to the choir in that paragraph but, it was aimed directly at the trio I know all too well. That would be none other than, me, myself, and I. However, you are more than welcome to be helped as well. One fellow recommended that we should starve the distractions in our lives while feeding our focus. Those who attempt to help folks to be successful in whatever endeavors they pursue typically advise many of the same things. Some of these include: 1) Turn off the automatic notifications on your smartphone. (It can be checked twice a day.) 2) Check, read, and respond to your emails maybe once or twice a day. 3) Remove clutter, physical and digital. 4) Unplug your TV. 5) Keep and work from a 'to-do' list. There are several others but those were enough to cause me to have that sensation of onset paranoia. Many of those technology-related tools have become an integrated part of who we are. Sadly. I do not have an audible notification set for messages coming to my phone. Most people do. Even at times when people are involved in important discussions, that phone goes 'bing' and the person starts twitching. Finally, the other individual says you might need to get that. Why? They don't want the other person to kill over from anxiety. They take the call. They shut it down. They say it was nothing, but, the previous moment is lost and the objective of the conversation is lost as well. Me, you, us, it's widespread and as Smokey the bear might warn, "Only you can do something about it."

I know I'm not that good at doing motivational stuff and most of those who are can prove their effectiveness by sharing examples of how their techniques have produced successful results. I was in a management conference and the fellow speaking had been brought in to help those of us in leadership to become more effective and more productive. This was many years ago and his program was based on a simple filing system approach to support getting things done. A marking pen and folders support this system which produces the actions you take each day. I don't remember all the details but I do remember him saying his system would work well in every facet of one's life including at home. One of the class members raised their hand and asked the guru to walk us through how he used his renowned system in his own family. Sounded like a reasonable request. The speaker began to hem-haw around, stutter, and he suddenly didn't seem to be able to find words. Finally, he blurted out that he had never applied this revolutionary approach in his own home. The one that guarantees outstanding results. The one that is simple and easy to apply. Oh well, as they say, if you can't do it yourself maybe you can tell others how they can do it. That speaker's credibility more or less went down the tubes. Our big boss who brought him in wasn't too happy. The way I see it, those folders were a form of the to-do list. They were tools. Tools help, but, they do have to be used. I do remember a fellow who called them vanilla folders instead of manilla, in case that helps. Take care. Now. You hear? See you next time and may God bless us all. Amen. ....More later.

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