Wednesday, May 30, 2018

“It`s not how old you are, it`s how you are old.” ― Jules Renard, French Author, (1864-1910)

Good morning. It's Wednesday, May 30, 2018, and I am here to tell you that we are smack dab in the middle of our first heat wave of this early summer. 'Feels like' of over 100 degrees each day, I just hope those who longed for summer are able to enjoy this stifling heat. The good news for us? We have a brand new, more efficient, air conditioning system. That's the plan, but, since I haven't received our first electrical bill since we installed this system, I'll have to wait and see on that promise. We have confidence in our technician and we do hope his prediction of cost savings turns out to be true. I do know we have to factor in this unexpected onset of super hot weather so early in the season. Oh well, it is how things unfold in the life and times of your blogger scribe. Your aging blogger scribe. Here is my confession for the day: I am dropping more things today than I ever have before. Literally. I spend way too much time down on the floor looking for a pill or a penny that got away from my fingers. Here's a funny development. Sometimes I drop something when I am actually focused on about making sure I don't drop something. That makes my internal heat index explode. Yes. I am aware that these types of things come with the three score and ten plus that God has granted to me. However, it can still be a source of frustration. Trust me. What's that? Shouldn't I follow my own advice in saying one might as well laugh as to cry? Thanks so much for reminding me.

We stayed in over the Memorial Day holiday. I personally enjoyed a time of rest and relaxation. I slept more than I usually do. We enjoyed a wonderful time of worship and fellowship on Sunday. On Monday, since I was off, I accompanied the wife to the ministry in the elder, special needs apartment complex. There were 15 older ladies who showed up for a time of singing, praying, and a Bible lesson. The wife, along with four or five others, have been involved in this ministry for many years. I could tell how special this time is to those ladies. There was a lot of laughing along with the sharing of burdens and challenges. I was asked to give my testimony of how I came to know the Lord. While salvation is an individual matter between a person and the Lord Himself, we all know that others influenced us as we came to a realization of our need for a Savior. For me, it was dating my girlfriend. She was a preacher's daughter. I had to attend Church services with her if I was to see her. That gave me an incentive to be in as many services as I could. Their Church had services on Sunday morning, Sunday evening, Wednesday evening, and Saturday evening. In a Saturday evening service in January of 1964, my girlfriend's dad was up there preaching loud and clear. I had heard it many times before, even in my own Church. But, on that night, the Lord Himself got hold of my life and when the invitation was given I couldn't stay in my pew. That was a long time ago. My girlfriend became my wife of nearly 54 years. I've not always been faithful in my walk with God but He has always been faithful to me, and, He is still working to make me what He wants me to be. That's my story and I believe it to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That's why I'm sticking to it. Amen.

The judge asked the man, "Why did you steal the car?" "I had to get to work." "Why didn't you take the bus?" "I don't have a license to operate the bus." ~ How do you stop two blind dudes that are beating each other up? You scream, "I'm betting on the guy with the huge knife." ~ "Hey dear, what do you say to nice long walk?" "Yeah, that sounds really good." "Great, could you pick up a few items from the corner store on your way back?" ~ "They say you can’t get a decent job without an education. But look at Albert Einstein – he was a drop-out and still ended up being the first man on the moon!" ~ "A smoothie? It's the miracle of being able to charge $5 for a peach and a banana." ~ A student at a management school came up to a pretty girl and hugged her without any warning. The surprised girl said, “What was that?” The guy smiled at her, “Direct marketing!” The girl slapped him soundly. “What was that?!” said the boy, holding his cheek. “Customer feedback.” ~ "When somebody makes you really angry, count to three. When you get to two, punch them in the face. They won’t be expecting that." ~ Those are supposed to be some new jokes. Supposed. They were lifted from a website entitled New Jokes for 2018. I can't be sure if they are very funny but the people who posted them obviously thought they were. Since I've been dropping so many things lately, I would rather withhold judgment at this time. You decide. Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday, and may God bless us all is my prayer. Amen. ...More later.

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