Wednesday, January 20, 2016

"Maybe that interruption is your next divine appointment." (copied)

It's Wednesday, January 20, 2016. Hello again. My little blog spinning out in that no man's land of the world wide web has now garnered more than 160,000 page views. That's not that many compared to others but it is quite a few when you consider that I do no ads or links on my page. Over half of those views came from within the United States. The UK has been second for a long time but Russia recently surpassed them. Don't ask me. I have no idea. I did get a notice from the Blog hosting people saying there are new rules in the UK for information sources like mine. It said I needed to review it and agree to the new regulations. I didn't do anything. I had not invited anyone from the UK, therefore, if they don't see my blog I suppose that's okay with me. Third on the list is Canada, then India, followed by Germany, Australia, France, Philippines, and Ukraine. The vehicle for landing on my blog is primarily Google in its many worldwide platforms. This likely means they were looking for something and in the process they landed on my blog. I'm not insulted by that because I land on a lot of things myself as I am trying to locate this, that, or the other. The top search argument where they made contact with my stuff was 'Apostle Paul', followed by 'family love', 'Christmas music', 'yabba dabba doo', 'remote control', 'jeff gordon', 'happy birthday god bless you', 'old people jokes', 'mom and dad', and the last one, 'chicken gizzard'. In so doing someone who set out looking for one thing may have picked up a snippet or two regarding the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You know, John 3:16, and other life changing truths. That would be a God thing, therefore, He would rightly receive all honor and glory for it. Amen.

I've used the Go Fund Me utility to contribute to a number of worthwhile fund raising ventures. Most of them have been for illness related causes, family distress, or funeral expenses. I read the other day about a young lady who set up an account to try and recover the money she spent buying tickets for the Powerball Lottery. It seems she even borrowed as much as she could to invest because she had a belief that she would win. She didn't win. Would I contribute to her fund raiser? I think I will pass on that one. I did see a college math professor talking about the odds and how they are calculated for the Powerball mania that was taking the country by storm. One thing he said really stuck with me. He said he did not buy a ticket and he didn't intend to buy a ticket. However, he said that he, having not purchased a ticket, was mathematically only very slightly less likely to win than those who did buy a ticket. Think about that for a minute. He also explained how that buying more tickets did not increase a person's chance of winning. I'm not sure I understood it all but I did catch the part about not buying a ticket. That was my choice as well. And, as you might have guessed, I didn't win.

I do look for some funny things to share but they are hard to come by these days. This is an old one but it still makes me smile. "I never wanted to believe my dad was stealing from his job as a road construction worker. But when I got home all the signs were there." I read a pretty good one about Facebook the other day. The fellow said he was going to start himself a new page with his name as Nobody. That way when people post stupid things it will say, "Nobody likes this." This note was left for mom and dad: "I found out that you cannot believe everything you read on Facebook. You cannot charge your cellphone when you are in a hurry by putting it in the microwave. By the way, I'm going to need some money to pay for the repairs to my cellphone." One last posting from a fellow sharing his experience with his Friends: "I know many of you guys are aware of how easy it is to get yourself into trouble when you try to drive home after a night out on the town. I've been stopped before myself. Last night I did something different. I took a cab and they even waved the cab through a roadblock. How lucky was that? I do have one problem. I have no idea where I got this cab so I don't know who to return it to." That should be more than enough for one day. Do have a great day and know that God is still on His throne and He's got the whole world in His hands. (Sounds like that would make a good song.) Amen. ....More later.

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