Monday, March 25, 2013

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee." Psalm 122:6

It's Monday, March 25, 2013, folks, and as they say, it's time to face the music. That phrase, face the music, typically means having to deal with unpleasant consequences. That most likely is due to its association with the concept of a disgraced military officer being literally drummed out of service. However, while that is perhaps the most popular thought about its origin, it's certainly not the only one. It has been around since the early 1800's, at least in print. Some believe it could have to do with different singing situations where people faced the orchestra. One researcher associates it with a practice in England where the common folk would put together songs that the upper class were beholden to listen to. These songs might well include lyrics critical of how people with means treated those who were less fortunate. Thus, the nobility would have to face the music as it were. That's probably more than you wanted to know about this little figure of speech. Maybe I'm being just a tad tone deaf this morning. It wouldn't be the first time. Just ask folks who have stood beside me in the choir.

I do from time to time listen to left leaning radio reports to round out my knowledge, so to speak. Just prior to President Obama's leaving for his visit to Israel I listened to a supposed news report that included interviews with Israeli citizens. All the ones interviewed were excited about the President coming and had great hopes that he could influence the current leadership in their country to make progress for peace. It was totally tilted giving the idea that all of the people of Israel were longing for this president to somehow talk sense to their leaders. If someone had only heard that report they would think that is exactly how it is in Israel. But, not so my friend. Polling just prior to his visit indicated some 65% of Israelis had great questions regarding trust of this current administration. I followed him as he was there. I listened to many of his press conferences and public speeches. He always does well in front of college students. Have you noticed that? (We all know how conservative most college students are. Right?) While he was in the country he made many promises. I thought it was interesting how Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would always very carefully repeat what he had heard the President say, and then thank the President profusely for his offered assistance. It seemed to me that he wanted to get it on the record. But, then again, that's my little take. And, by now you most certainly know what I mean, Vern!

Us Bible thumpers as we are sometimes called, do have a special interest in the goings on in the Middle East and more specifically, Israel itself. This has to do with the amount of space devoted to this nation, the Jewish people, and God's plan for them as He has revealed it to us in God's Book, the Holy Bible. I am well aware there are many so called prophetic ministries that actually make their living off of their espousal of a plethora of theories and predictions. Because this is their source of income they must keep a steady stream of stuff filling up their books, seminars, and other commercial products. To me, I believe one need only pay attention to thus says the word of the Lord as written in our Bible in order to know that some how and in some way what goes on in and around Israel matters. Obviously it matters to the world because it has to be near the top of the most reported on nation in the world, and given its size, that in and of itself speaks volumes. The other thing I might add is this. Our nation's commitment to the Jewish State and to the Jewish people does have something to do with America's connection to God's Holy Word. Go back and check it for yourself. Historically, it has mattered to those who have been our leaders in the past that these people are recognized as God's Chosen. The current administration, not so much, and especially almost not at all as it relates to this biblical connection. Again, my take. The thoughts and opinions expressed on this page are just that, thoughts and opinions. It's okay. You can have your own. At least, I believe that's still how it works in our country. Have a good Monday and may God bless each one. Amen.   .....More later.

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