Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The day after Christmas the pastor noticed that Baby Jesus was missing from the nativity scene. Then he saw a little boy pulling a red wagon with the Baby Jesus in it. The Pastor inquired, "What are you doing with Jesus in your wagon?" The little boy proudly answered, "I asked Jesus to help me get a wagon for Christmas and I promised Him if He did, I would give Him a ride." (copied)

Enjoy your loud toy!
It's Wednesday, December 26, 2012. The day after. We're still basking in the wonderful blessings of Christmas. The Reason for the Season, family, friends, and a time for feasting and fellowship. There's always some sadness as we along with so many others missed some faces too. Now, it's like they do every morning over on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, time to sweep up, move on, and get ready for what's up ahead. While it was widely predicted and feared, the world did not end last Friday. I saw a very funny cartoon where the scientists are shown reexamining the Mayan calendar and they finally discover what it really says: The extinction of the Twinkie. Pretty funny. Now folks will be engaged in trying to figure out how to work their new phone, tablet, game, or toy. The battery folks stand ready to sell you as many as you might require. The more the merrier. For all the grandparents that gave the grand kids loud and noisy toys, your children are currently thinking less than wonderful thoughts about you, however, there has to be some poetic justice in there somewhere.

Bottom line: We are blessed. No. That doesn't mean everything always works out for us. It also doesn't mean we don't have challenges to face and painful experiences to endure. It simply means that we get it. God provided for us, we responded, and now we are His very own. That's the hope of Christmas. That's the plan that brought Jesus into the world. Having received Him as Savior, we begin, stay with, and end with the truth: We are blessed. Have yourself a great day and may God bless each one. Amen.    ....More later.

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