Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bringing to you such exciting topics as 'Who left the door open?', along with other mysteries in life.

Now that we have that done, we can move on to the next thing up on our agenda, and that happens to be, Tuesday, December 11, 2012. Do you ever wonder about the things I would never write anything about? Me too. I will tell you this one. The other coolish morning I am sitting here at my computer clicking and clacking away. The door was wide open. I always do that on cool mornings. My back was to the door. Suddenly, something huge comes loping by and I hear this extremely loud but hoarse bark, almost like a growl. I never saw my unexpected visitor. But I did have the hair on the back of my neck standing straight up for at least a minute or two. How big was it? I'm not sure but at the moment it all went down I could have sworn I felt its breath on the back of my head. As soon as I was able, I collected myself and went and did what any responsible person would do. I shut the door. It may have been one of those wild Austrailian dogs. You know. The ones that have been known to kill and eat people. Maybe it weighed 200 pounds or more. Or, it might have been a rabid Pit Bull, or maybe it wasn't even a dog. A huge bobcat or maybe a runaway lion. And, there you were, thinking I have a pretty easy time of it here at the old blogger ranch. Well, you might just want to rethink that one Bucko!

The wife and I have really enjoyed our work as the Claus duo. You have to hand it to five year olds who ask the hard questions. One little guy wanted to know if the speed of the sleigh exceeded the speed of light on Christmas eve. Maybe they should change the name of it to: "Are You Smarter than a Kindergartner?" We entertain many questions about the reindeer. Where are they? What do they eat? Why aren't they with you? Then we have the whole gamut of issues that pertain to the elves. It seems the majority of folks where we appear do have a designated elf in their home, with a name, and that elf is responsible for reporting back to Santa, the good, the bad, and the ugly, as it relates to conduct and behavior on the part of the children. It's part of a tradition where the elf on the shelf helps Santa to develop the naughty and nice list. Many of the children are very serious about their particular elf, what has been seen and not seen, and typically they fret over the elf's health and wellbeing. I know. It's in the book. I suppose I do need to read it so that I can get a clue. I guess we grew up with the 'he sees you when you're sleeping' and as far as I can recall we never had the threat of a tattletale elf hanging around to rat us out. We do receive many compliments on our outfits, if you will. In fact, one lady the other evening seemingly couldn't get over how lifelike we looked. I don't even want to think about what the alternative to that one might be.

I filled in last Sunday evening in the Pastor's Bible Study. Since we have been doing a verse by verse study of the birth narratives from Luke's Gospel on Sunday mornings, and from Matthew's Gospel on Wednesday evenings, I decided to do a very cursory look at the Big Picture as revealed in God's Holy Word. We read from The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Chapter 13 where it refers to the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. That slain from the foundation of the world is God's plan to redeem His fallen created human family. We read in that same Book from Chapter 5 about this Lamb being the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Root of David. We then traced back how He was associated by lineage with Israel's Tribe of Judah (Matthew 1, Genesis 49). After that we looked at Hebrews Chapters 7 and 8 where we saw the inspired explanation of why a New Covenant was required and why Jesus came to establish it as a way for people to be made right with God. I know we mostly like the Away in a Manger concept of the Christmas story, however, there's so much more to why He came and how that in coming He can change my life, your life, and the lives of every person willing to hear, respond, repent, and call out and be saved by that very Lamb that stood slain before the foundation of the world. To me, putting that lesson together was a source of worship and joy. I told the class that it would be okay if someone reported they heard us actually shouting hallelujah as we connected into God's glorious provision in bringing our Savior into our world to rescue us. Amen. Hallelujah. May He and He alone receive any and all praise.   ......More later.

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