Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I don't mind talking to myself but often find very little in common that warrants a discussion.

Hello out there and while I really can't see you when you're sleeping, I do know that you can't fool me. I know you are, at least when no one is looking, humming a Christmas tune or two. It's okay. That's a huge part of the season to me. Last Wednesday evening in our singing portion of our Bible Study time we chose not so familiar Christmas hymns. Some of them are so wonderful in their depiction of the coming of our Savior into the world. Those hymn writers from yesteryear were gifted in telling the story of Jesus. Now we find ourselves here, and it is Wednesday, December 5, 2012, and I wish you a very good day. They did not call me to tell me that I had won the Powerball Lottery. I've since learned that you have to buy a ticket to be eligible. That left me out before I even had a chance to lose. I did overhear several people discussing what they would do if they won the money. One fellow said he would use much of it to contribute to good causes like Church. That gave me the opportunity to share with him a little story from my past. One day we all were lined up to go into the choir loft. Our local fellowship at that time was facing some serious financial challenges. The fellow behind me, an outstanding worker for the Lord, told me he sure hoped he would win the lottery so he could help the Church. My knee jerk response was to tell him that God didn't care about what he would do with what he didn't have, but He was interested in what he is doing with what he does have. I suppose my little story wasn't that interesting to the fellows talking about the Powerball frenzy since they all became noticeably quiet. I guess there always has to be at least one killjoy in the bunch and since no one else volunteered, it must have fallen to me by default. That was not my intention and I thought my little experience was one of value and still believe it was worth sharing.

I saw one kid on television who said that if he won he would immediately retire from working. He must have been all of twenty years old. I thought that was pretty funny. I don't know what employers are using to screen folks today but back when I was hiring professionals, the general consensus was young candidates that were fixated on retirement benefits may not be the most highly motivated workers. That was back then. Most of everything I have any knowledge of these days fit that 'back then' category. I read a list of symptoms the other day that indicates one might be living in the past. Based on what I saw I might ought to skip to the highest level professional help to try and deal with my condition. That's it. I have a condition. Maybe my grandfather was right. He said it could be that I am like a crawdad who always goes backwards because he is more interested in where he has been than where he is going. I used that 'has been' intentionally. Because in many ways I have experience in that particular area. I don't say that with any sour grapes at all because I believe that I am where I am on this very day as a response of the grace shown to me by our Almighty God. If this means I have to continue to reference 'Back in the day....', well, so be it and sorry, but, get used to it.

I don't do introspection that well. I'm not even 100% sure what it all entails but I think it does have something to do with looking inside yourself. Maybe I should do what the song says. Sit right down and write myself a letter. I've actually done things like that before. You know, it was one of those 'back then' experiences. I remember one exercise we did in a management class where each person wrote a tribute to themselves stating the things they would want to have said upon their retirement. I don't think I had to share mine but some did. I would have felt uncomfortable because most of what I wrote down had to do with things other than my work related accomplishments. Don't get me wrong. I believe in work. I believe in that being a huge part of my life. However, when it is was said and done, I think I wrote down things about my relationship with God, my family, and my influence for good on others. That would have really sounded great to a bunch of would be high achievers, wouldn't it? All of those factors I mentioned can and should impact our lives everywhere we find ourselves, including the huge portion of our life we expend at work. I likely would have had a hard time explaining that to those whose main goal in life was to find themselves at the top of the food chain, so to speak. Okay. That should be enough for today. I believe my analyst said I had been on the couch longer than my allotted time, therefore, I'll take my leave and make room for the next fellow. Have a great day and don't forget to give God the glory for it. Amen.    .....More later.

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