Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Most of us have a full time job dealing with ourselves!

Welcome to Wednesday, January 12, 2010 here on the home front. Inflammatory speech is the topic before our nation and it appears to me, as a layman, that what constitutes dangerous words apparently can be determined by whomever it is talking about it at the time. It was okay for those who disagreed with former President George W. Bush to call him every hateful name in the book. Why? Those who said those things were calling him out about his policies. However, when the shoe is on the other foot, now it's the inflammatory speech of those who disagree with President Obama that is causing people to be shot and killed. What about our President just in the last few days in some of his comments. When he made a compromise with the Republicans on the tax bill before congress, he said he was forced to extend the current rates because he was being held as a hostage by the Republicans. That doesn't sound like kind words to me. During the presidential campaign he had quoted from a movie with tough language, "If they bring a knife, we will bring a gun." This was said to put his political opponents on notice. The gunning down of a democrat congress lady supposedly makes those who disagree with the President as guilty as the madman who pulled the trigger. I'm not for hate speech that incites people to violence. I'm against any and all slander. And, I especially am against any and all who make this type of vilification into a product they sell for profit. However, I also know that all sides are driven by the motive of power, and all sides will use this event, or any other event, to try and further their own ambitions. When one side wins, often the American people lose. And, if we end up throwing out the baby with the bath water, our right to disagree vocally, to petition our government, to have our say, could also go with it. We who are believers actually have a higher standard we are called to observe. More about that later.

You had to know that I would have to comment on all of this, sooner or later. In preparing for this blog I reviewed many of the placards calling for President Bush to be killed. I also saw some unbelievably evil depictions of President Obama contorted to promote a particular issue. This recent shooting will again advance the notion of more gun control. I know that's a huge red meat issue to many folks but I can tell you that I have no respect for anyone selling guns to our children, gangs, or to illegals, and how sad it is that some do it for profit without regard to the consequences. I do believe in the right to possess a gun but I also know there are certain types of weapons that have an almost 100% criminal use record. Where's the balance? It's tough but you can be sure it will be front and center over the coming days. It would appear the left leaning news media is actually repeating the same huge mistake when they attempted to pin the killings at Fort Hood on conservative talk radio. Once it was clear that the guy was a radical Islamic extremist, they backed off faster than a speeding bullet. I know the speeding bullet metaphor may be a little violent but the word picture does convey what I was wanting to say. By immediately connecting this madman in Tucson to talk show rhetoric they have once again shown their bias without knowing the facts. I heard one last night saying even if it turns out to not be a clear connection, it doesn't matter, at least the subject is now on the front burner. What kind of journalism school did she attend? And, let me be clear. There are no boundaries where over the top responses are involved because they come from all sides.

What about we who are people of faith? What is our calling in all of this? I've lived to see some amazing situations in my lifetime. I remember one fellow who spent his life railing against any and all government programs and services, that is, UNTIL, he and his family were wiped out and without any means whatsoever. Suddenly those programs and services became his lifeline. Therefore, we need to be careful how we sum up the other guy's situation, thinking and motivation before we heap up our criticism. Are there times when we are called to stand up with courage and determination? Absolutely! To speak up and out? Certainly! But we must also maintain a testimony consistent with the calling God has placed on our lives. When we who are called by the Lord's name participate in perpetuating ugly jokes and stories about those we disagree with and these have no basis in fact, we essentially lower ourselves to be no different than the world. When we are no different than the world we will never hope to truly make a difference in the world. Being right about a particular issue does not make one right in their heart and that should concern every believer, every single day, including yours truly. What should we do? Get up everyday and ask God to help us to love Him and to love others, and then to help us to serve both! Amen.             ......More later.

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