Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Time for me to take a delayed deep breath and smell the Community!

Update on my brother: I am a little discombobulated this morning. I am at work because I have a few things to wrap up before being off. I actually spent all yesterday afternoon at the hospital trying to work out some details regarding the way forward for a care plan for my brother. He continues to do well but there are some issues regarding the best type of rehabilitation treatment for him. We met with the hospital administrative folks and are now trying to get in sync with the doctors. It was a very needed meeting and a very productive meeting but also one of those hurry up and wait situations. The good news is that my brother is smiling and seems to be comfortable. We still have high hopes for him as he faces this next phase of his recovery.

Good Wednesday morning and we rise and shine to be thankful to God for another day on this November 3, 2010. I pretty much got soaked yesterday morning but I didn't mind. It was so wonderful to feel the rain since we have been in an autumn drought after having had a great summer where showers seemed to be well timed. But, that refreshing cool rain is another reason to give thanks to God. I hear people say it could never rain and they would be just fine. But they really don't know what they are talking about. Right? Without any rain they would be in a huge heap of trouble, therefore, we all should be thankful that God provides for our needs, not necessarily our wants. I'm the only one here in my little domain this morning and I should finish my small pot of coffee before not even a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Okay bad lead in, but you can tell that I am beginning to begin to think about thinking about getting into character as I will soon be transforming myself into one of the jolly old guy's impersonating helpers. Back in the early 1970's when I worked as a Santa for Sears one year, that Clement C. Moore book, 'The Night Before Christmas', was the training manual given to us. The agency I worked for told the room full of fellows, sorry, no ladies back then, that this classic tale was the basis of what they wanted us to portray when the little ones showed up to sit on our laps. The fellows here at the company all try to help me with my ho ho's giving me plenty of ideas in all kinds of voices, accents, and approaches. I get them quite stirred up as I make my rounds throughout the day. It's all in good fun and why not have something to laugh about, right?

There's one line from President Obama that keeps ringing in my head. It was one that he said like a broken record after having been elected: "Elections do have consequences." Of course back then he was talking about how he believed the public had anointed him to carry out all his ideas. I suppose it's time for us to resurrect his words and repeat them over and over to him. I heard growing up that "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." I read a modern version of what this idiom means and it had something to say about equal treatment to the sexes. I guess I always saw it more to be if you dish it out you should be willing to take it because it does appear that the shoe is now on the other foot. Many speculate that since our sitting President is typically unable to see himself as ever being wrong, then he and his party will be looking for someone to blame for the election results. This might even end up with a few heads rolling since he has shown a tendency to throw folks under the bus if it suits his purposes. But, elections do have consequences, and now it's up to those elected to step up and show that they did get the message from their constituents. Whatever they do they need to do it quickly because my observation has been that they have entered the danger zone where most are swallowed up by the system and without perhaps even knowing it will soon be singing the tune of the incumbent. Lets get on with the consequences!

You thought since I was supposed to be off I wouldn't have much to say, didn't you? My granddad always wondered about the same thing. He used to ask me if I ever was going to stop long enough to catch my breath. Lately I've been over whelmed by the number of folks that I know who are having a rough time. Many of these are dealing with health issues or they have family members who are. Some are up against a difficult family situation, or unemployment, and there are those who are in need of direction for their lives. So much at stake and often it is a life and death matter. I know sometimes it seems like I mostly share a laundry list of names and needs with the Father. I also know that I am not informing Him of anything. In fact, the Scriptures tell us that He already knows what we stand in need of even before we pray. That causes some to wonder out loud why we should pray. Because He has commanded us to and more than that, invited us to come into His presence on behalf of the needs that we have through the means of our Savior who made this access possible for us. Sure, we need to spend time recognizing and praising God for even knowing Him, but He understands our burdens, and our needs, and He has chosen to use the means of prayer as a way of dealing with meeting needs but perhaps more importantly, working in our own lives as we yield ourselves to Him. That's some pretty good stuff for us all to consider on this slow start to a delayed day of vacation. Take care now, and I'll see you again soon. May God bless.     Amen.                   ..........More later.

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