Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Busting up the Blogging Blockcade!

 Update on my brother Donald: Yesterday was a good day for my brother. He was much more active than he has been of late and shows real determination in doing things for himself. We also received favorable news from the insurance company regarding coverage of some intense rehab therapy on a trial basis. What can we say to these things? Thank God for His mercy and goodness that endures forever!

It's Wednesday, November 17, 2010 and you have caught me in somewhat of a battle this morning. Have you noticed that I might be suffering some from blogger's block lately? I'm sure those who claim ownership of writer's block would not want me to encroach into their domain, but there are days when the blank page seems to do all it can to resist having anything written on it. I read through some of the possible cures they suggest to help deal with this problem but since they didn't ring any bells for me, I thought I would instead write about not being able to think of anything to write about. Maybe I could send out one of those notices that always puzzled me: This page left intentionally blank. Am I the only one that couldn't help but wonder why the page was left blank? It was left blank intentionally. I'm not saying I lost sleep over it but it did capture my attention. Just why would they with premeditation, deliberately leave a page blank? I remember one time I added that type of page to a proposal I had done just because I thought it might make it look more professional. In that case I had intentionally inserted a page that said it was intentionally left blank. But, guess what? It wasn't really in there for that purpose, it was in there to make it look like it was in there for that purpose. I fooled them. And you thought I wasn't smarter than the average bear. If you are in a quandary about what exactly is going on in today's episode, I am tackling this blank page with ferocity as I seek to overcome it's glaring stare.

I mentioned yesterday about our extended family connections through our local fellowship of believers. We have a number of our families who have loved ones serving in our armed forces. Many of them have been deployed into harm's way and some are there today on the very front lines. The photo is of a young lady who is married to one of those serving. She and their youngest child were attending a Veteran's Day gathering and this was taken during the prayer. This picture was published in the largest newspaper in the state of Texas. Her husband grew up in our Church. He has done multiple deployments and we prayerfully await his return to the states within the next few weeks. We are connected. This young man has two children. His daughter is autistic and she is a special child to us all. He is a part of a family that we have been close to for over thirty years. His younger brother is a college student who works at a Chic-fil-a. We are connected. He is the one who introduced me to his management team and I worked there as Santa last year. This year I have an expanded schedule and the folks at Chic-fil-a are a part of introducing me to other venues. We are connected. The young lady in the photo is very much involved in a variety of programs to recognize our military and the sacrifices they make for us. We as a Church family are sensitive to the special needs of these patriots and we count it a privilege to stand in the gap for them, as they stand in the gap for us! See what I mean? Family connections matter and I am blessed to be a part of one such loving representation of our Lord and Savior. Amen.

They recommend that when you are wanting to get people's attention, you should tell a joke or a funny story. This brings up the proverbial "Did you here the one about......"  I've read through the jokes they say are voted to be the funniest by country. I didn't really find any of them to be that funny. The one voted tops in Canada had to do with the hundreds of  millions spent by NASA on developing a writing instrument after they discovered that ballpoint pens will not write in zero gravity. The Russians responded by sending pencils with their Cosmonauts. Don't blame me. They claim this was all vented through scientific survey techniques. I also read that folks begin to see a decrease in their sense of humor as they get older. My punch line: I don't see anything funny about that. I will tell you that the sitcoms people watch today are typically not even mildly funny to me. These automated laugh tracks just drive me crazy. Even as our grand kids watch all the Disney stuff, there's an artificial laughing response every 5 seconds, and it drives me up the wall. I read once that while people say they hate the laugh tracks they actually respond more favorably when it is included. Are we that gullible? I will share with you how my all time funniest stories are about me and I have decided to keep the best in the vault to never be heard about, not even to be used to try and bust up a case of blogger's block. However, don't be too concerned because there's plenty out there being told on me that other people know about, even as I write this blog. How did I generate so much material? I do know that I don't want to turn into a grumpy old man and I suppose just knowing that is a good place to start. I just don't want to be that old guy that dreams he is standing up there giving the most boring lesson ever only to wake up and find that I am. Enough already for one day. Time for Annie to sing: "The sun'll come out  Tomorrow So ya gotta hang on 'Til tomorrow Come what may Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya Tomorrow! You're always A day A way!." One would hope. Until then, may God bless you and may God bless all those who serve in our armed services. Amen.             ......More later.

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