Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The earliest bird may get the first worm; but it's always the second mouse who gets the cheese!

It's Wednesday already, November 10, 2010, and the week seems to be flying by. While I may not feel like I've been pulled through a rat hole backwards, which was the saying I heard a lot growing up, I will tell you that I've been occupied enough over the past few days so as to not need to be rocked to sleep each night. I grew up under the direction of my grandfather who fanatically believed that a hard day's work was good for just about anything that might be ailing someone. He particularly thought that working from sun up to dark thirty, or from can to can't, was the number one cure for sleep related problems. He embraced the statement made by Solomon in Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 where he said the sleep of a laboring man is sweet whether he eat much or little. I know we have rampant insomnia all around these days. You only have to see the commercials to know what a problem this is in our modern society. We have it in our family as well. Folks talk about it all the time on Facebook, in their blogs, and in emails. I don't know what my grandfather would have to say about all of this, however, he might just hand someone a hoe and tell them to follow him out to the garden. I'm not trying to minimize the problems that people have because I know they are real, it just seems so aggravated today compared to yesteryear when things like this were not as obvious. It makes you wonder what came first, the chicken, the egg, the sleeplessness, or the costly medications. Don't write me and complain because you already know that I'm not always responsible for everything I write.

I watched former President George W. Bush in his hour long interview Monday evening. It was timed to coincide with his new book that covers all the major decisions he made during his eight years in the White House. I know he was vilified by the media as being someone who was out of touch, less than intelligent, and perhaps arrogant. I never saw him that way and I never was one of those who believed he should have been tarred and feathered. Was I disappointed in some of his decisions? You betcha! And, looking back, he is too. However, what came across to me in the interview is a consistent theme of this man being a lover of America, family, and what our principles of freedom mean. He unashamedly talked about his connection to his parents and how the love of family is what has kept him going throughout his life. I've always looked at the Bush family as being an example of America's best. During the interview he did not duck the responsibility for his time in office. He believes history, studied over time, will have a different judgment of his work than that which is commonly reported in the hostile media. I have said the same thing all along. He, like all leaders, will have some major issues that he could have handled better. His closing words were fitting. He is humbly proud to have had the privilege of serving as our President. God bless this good and decent man.

Those who love freedom act in certain ways. If a person who respects freedom doesn't want to own a gun, he doesn't buy one, but he also at the same time does not try to get all guns banned. If a person who respects freedom becomes a vegetarian he chooses not to eat meat, but he doesn't try to pass laws that prohibit people from eating what they want to eat. If a freedom loving person sees a threat from a foreign source he will do his best to figure out how to defend the homeland as opposed to assuming we are responsible for the anger of our enemies, and in finding ways to appease them. Today we are witnessing a rise in all forms of impositions on individual freedoms. It might seem like a great idea to ban Happy Meals but is this what parental choice is all about? I can remember as a kid I went through a chubby phase. Today I see kids obsessing over their BMI (Body Mass Index) because the nurse at school keeps talking to them about it. I'm not saying obesity is not a problem because it is. More and more we see the nanny state becoming imposed into the ordinary conduct of life in our country. Parents who choose to opt out of certain subjects because they don't believe them to be appropriate for their children are often ridiculed and held out as being less intelligent and out of sync with the mainstream. And, that's only when they have a choice which is becoming few and far between. Sure, I know we need laws to govern behavior or there would be chaos, but, freedom should always be the area that is considered first, protected the most, and preserved so that it can be handed down to our children and grandchildren.May God bless each one and may God bless America. Amen.              ......More later.

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